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Davidoff Primeros Review: Nicaragua & Dominican Blends

By Mariana Heredia
Davidoff Primeros Review: Nicaragua & Dominican Blends

Smoking a large-sized cigar while sitting peacefully on vacation or during free time can be an unmatched experience for cigar enthusiasts. But for many, a moment like this cannot be enjoyed on a regular basis. That is why a lot of people prefers small-sized cigar. They are easy to keep with you and can be finished in 15 to 30 minutes. Davidoff offers their larger-sized cigars from blends such as Nicaragua and Dominican in the small-sized Davidoff Primeros – let’s review them!

Davidoff Primeros Review: Nicaragua & Dominican Blends

davidoff primeros nicaragua

Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua

A small cigar, 4 1/8″ in length to be exact, that lasts up to 15 minutes. The fillers consist of the best Nicaragua and Dominican tobaccos with an Ecuador binder and a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. Smoking this cigar tastes like a perfect blend of roasted coffee and dark chocolate combined to perfection.

Strength: Mild
Country: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Habano, Nicaragua

davidoff primeros Nicaragua maduro

Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua Maduro

Perfect for those who prefer a more medium-bodied strength rather than mild.

Strength: Medium
Country: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Habano, Nicaragua

One of the primary reasons people opt for small cigars is that they are easy to carry around. Primeros come with premium tin packaging. A single tin includes 6 cigars that can last for a decent time.

davidoff primeros classics

Davidoff Primeros Dominican

These, also known as Classics, are another option if you are looking for a small-sized mild-bodied cigar. This one is the same size as Nicaragua, which is 4 1/8″ in length and has a similar duration of 15 minutes. It is a handmade cigar filled with Dominican tobaccos, wrapped in Connecticut with a San Vicente binder.

Strength: Mild
Country: Dominican Republic
Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut

If you have smoked Davidoff Aniversario or Grand Cru cigars, you’ll probably enjoy Primeros Dominican because they have similar blends. Primeros Dominican is geared towards cigar enthusiasts who like a sweet touch in flavor. It is filled with sweet woody notes and vanilla mixed with some cedar spices.

Davidoff Primeros comes in a packing tin with 6 cigars. However, you can also opt for a bigger box containing 30 cigars. The latter can last for days or can be shared with your friends for a more memorable experience. 

It is safe to say that David Primeros prove that small cigars are just as good as larger cigars. With the Primeros Dominican and Nicaragua, smokers can taste the same classic flavors with added mobility of more sustainable sizes. If this review interests you, shop for Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua and Dominican at Cigar Country

About Cigar Country

Located in the heart of the Dominican Republic’s tourist region (halfway between Punta Cana and Santo Domingo). Our 2,000+ square feet humidor features the finest handmade Dominican cigars from the most respected manufacturers in the world. Cigar Country’s Experts will guide you through the VegaFina cigar-making experience and assist you in choosing the right cigar for you. Whether it’s for your personal consumption or gifting, we have the widest selection you will ever find at the best DUTY-FREE prices. You will feel at home in our cozy lounging areas and notoriously friendly staff. Hope to have you visit soon. You can also call, chat, or email to contact Cigar Country!