There are many amazing, high-quality cigars for under $50. Cigars shouldn't always be a luxury; they should be affordable and enjoyed whenever. This is why cigar brands produce pocket-friendly cigars so that greatness can go around. These cigars often serve as the introduction into the cigar world for newbies. Despite being under $50, these cigars still give exquisite experiences with the quality not being compromised. Both cigar connoisseurs and new smokers can enjoy them on a low budget. One is Ashton Classic Prime Minister, which comes in a pack of 4. This premium handmade cigar from the well-renowned Ashton brand is mild-bodied with a Connecticut Shade wrapper. The Churchill cigar, rated 86-point by Cigar Aficionado, contains a Dominican binder and filler that gives a rich flavor.
Padron Thousand Series 2000 Maduro is another classic in a pack of 4 or 5 that a less than $50 budget can get you. It is a medium to full-bodied Robusto with notes of chocolate, nuts, and cocoa. This is a true Puro Nicaragua classic. The Olivias' doesn't disappoint. This is true of Oliva Serie V Lancero, an Ecuadorian Habano-wrapped cigar with Nicaraguan binder and filler. The full-bodied and full-flavored cigar can be enjoyed for less than $50. Buy and enjoy premium cigars within budget - all under $50.
Are you looking for any cigar with a $50 or less budget? Our humidor has one for you! Have a different budget in mind? Explore other price ranges. Explore all of our handmade cigars! You may also return to the homepage.
87 Cigars
VegaFina Classic Perlas Tubos
Box of 10 | 40 x 4Original price was: $66.67.$60.00Current price is: $60.00.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Toro Selection
Pack of 5 | AssortedOriginal price was: $48.30.$43.47Current price is: $43.47.
Duho Premium Mild
Box of 10 | 54 x 5 1/4Original price was: $43.70.$39.33Current price is: $39.33.
H. Upmann The Banker Annuity 5 Pack with Torch Lighter
Pack of 5 | 52 x 6Original price was: $49.27.$44.34Current price is: $44.34.
Davidoff Winston Churchill Belicoso
Pack of 4 | 46 x 4 1/2$39.20
Davidoff Winston Churchill Petit Panetela
Pack of 5 | 38 x 4$44.00
Davidoff Escurio Gran Perfecto
Multiple options | 60/50 x 5$58.50 – $234.00
Davidoff Primeros Escurio
Multiple options | 34 x 4 1/8$37.80 – $189.00
Davidoff Primeros Nicaragua
Multiple options | 34 x 4 1/8$37.80 – $189.00
PDR A. Flores 1975 Gran Reserva Desflorado Half Corona
Multiple options | 46 x 3 1/2$32.43 – $198.00
Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 Connecticut Juniors
Multiple options | 38 x 4$18.90 – $165.60
Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Broadleaf Juniors
Multiple options | 38 x 4$18.63 – $186.30
Rocky Patel Vintage 1992 Sumatra Juniors
Multiple options | 38 x 4$18.63 – $186.30
Rocky Patel Vintage 2003 Cameroon Juniors
Multiple options | 38 x 4$18.63 – $165.60
PDR A. Flores 1975 Gran Reserva Corojo 2006 Half Corona
Multiple options | 46 x 3 1/2$19.80 – $198.00
AVO Classic No. 2
Box of 20 | 50 x 6$244.00
AVO Classic Puritos
Tin of 10 | 30 x 4$34.00
AVO XO Legato
Multiple options | 54 x 6$48.40 – $270.00
AVO Syncro Nicaragua Fogata Robusto
Multiple options | 50 x 5$39.60 – $232.00
AVO Syncro Nicaragua Fogata Special Toro
Multiple options | 60 x 6$56.00 – $280.00
AVO Syncro Nicaragua Fogata Toro
Multiple options | 54 x 6$51.20 – $256.00
Tatiana Mini Cherry
Multiple options | 26 x 3 1/2$16.19 – $58.33
Tatiana Mini Chocolate
Multiple options | 26 x 3 1/2$16.19 – $58.33
Tatiana Mini Honey
Multiple options | 26 x 3 1/2$16.19 – $58.33
Tatiana Mini Rum
Multiple options | 26 x 3 1/2$16.19 – $58.33
Tatiana Mini Vanilla
Multiple options | 26 x 3 1/2$16.19 – $75.00
Tatiana Mini Groovy Blue
Multiple options | 26 x 3 1/2$16.19 – $58.33
EP Carrillo Triumph Trilogy 3-Cigar Sampler
Box of 3 | AssortedOriginal price was: $39.50.$35.55Current price is: $35.55.
Joya de Nicaragua Seleccion Especial Obras Maestras Assortment
Pack of 5 | AssortedOriginal price was: $97.15.$77.72Current price is: $77.72.
Joya de Nicaragua Seleccion Antaño Assortment
Pack of 4 | AssortedOriginal price was: $44.99.$35.99Current price is: $35.99.
Flor de las Antillas Petaca Toro Tubo
Box of 3 | 50 x 6Original price was: $28.20.$25.38Current price is: $25.38.
My Father Fonseca Cosacos Tin
Pack of 5 | 42 x 5 3/8Original price was: $40.00.$36.00Current price is: $36.00.
My Father Petaca Robusto
Box of 5 | 52 x 5 1/4Original price was: $56.00.$50.40Current price is: $50.40.
Romeo y Julieta Sampler & Tumbler Gift Set
Box of 6 | AssortedOriginal price was: $64.02.$57.62Current price is: $57.62.
Zino Nicaragua Robusto
Pack of 4 | 54 x 5$28.50
Zino Nicaragua Short Torpedo
Pack of 4 | 52 x 4$26.00
Zino Nicaragua Half Corona
Pack of 5 | 44 x 4$31.50
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Numero Dos
Box of 15 | 50 x 6$123.03
Casa Magna Fresh Pack 4-Cigar Sampler
Pack of 4$19.80
Romeo Y Julieta 1875 Fresh Pack 4-Cigar Sampler
Pack of 4 | Assorted$35.31