The world-renowned cigar brand with a storied history presents the Monte by Montecristo, a cigar that combines the essence of tradition with a modern twist. This exceptional cigar, available in a box of 16, offers a smoking experience that is rich in complexity and depth, making it the most robust Montecristo yet. What sets the Monte apart is its innovative use of not one, but two binders. The first, a spicy Dominican Olor binder, infuses the cigar with character and vigor. The second, a Nicaraguan Corojo binder, brings strength, firmness, and an aromatic flair to the blend. This dynamic duo of binders is complemented by a selection of vintage-aged Dominican long-leaf filler tobaccos, creating a refined and sophisticated smoking sensation.
Originally hailing from Cuba, Montecristo has since moved its production to the Dominican Republic while preserving the exceptional quality that has made it the best-selling handmade cigar brand globally. This exceptional cigar was crafted by the skilled artisans of Tabacalera de Garcia's Grupo de Maestros. With centuries of combined experience and a profound love for their craft, these artisans have created an unforgettable smoking experience. The sleek and modern black lacquered box, housing 16 premium handmade cigars, is a testament to the brand's commitment to both tradition and contemporary elegance. Monte by Montecristo is available in a range of sizes, including the robust Robusto and the elegant Belicoso. Elevate your cigar collection with the Monte by Montecristo, a masterpiece that beautifully balances tradition and innovation. Shop for your box of 16 Montes today at Cigar Country and savor the best of both worlds in the world of cigars.
Unique Blend Attributes: The medium to full-body Monte by Montecristo is a "Modern Classic.” It has two binders: a spicy Dominican Olor and a strong and aromatic Nicaraguan Corojo.
Strength Profile: Medium to full
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "The cigar features leather and spice on the palate, balanced against notes of chocolate on the finish."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Monte by Montecristo cigars many 90+ point ratings.
Made in: Dominican Republic
Master Blender: Grupo de Maestros
Owner: Altadis USA
There are four sizes, including Toro and Conde. For a milder blend, try Montecristo Classic instead. To see all blends by this brand, please visit Montecristo Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other medium to full-bodied blends or return to the homepage.
4 Cigars
Monte by Montecristo Toro
Box of 16 | 52 x 6Original price was: $208.49.$187.62Current price is: $187.62.
Monte by Montecristo Conde
Box of 16 | 48 x 5 1/2Original price was: $203.91.$183.57Current price is: $183.57.
Monte by Montecristo Monte
Box of 16 | 60 x 6Original price was: $216.01.$194.48Current price is: $194.48.
Monte by Montecristo Jacopo No. 2
Box of 16 | 54 x 6 1/4Original price was: $210.69.$189.56Current price is: $189.56.