Cigar Factories 101: De Los Reyes Cigars
1 min read
De Los Reyes Cigars SRL alongside many other famously known cigar factories is located in Santiago, DR. This premium cigar company is dedicated to the creation and manufacture of top-quality cigars. As a brand, their story begins in 1995 with a family-based system. They have dedicated themselves to making each cigar a luxurious masterpiece with a unique aroma and flavor. With almost 25 years of history, De Los Reyes Cigars SA has spread its products worldwide and has production plants in over 16 countries. They produce both, private brands from different parts of the world and their own brands, among which Saga Cigars and Don Julio stand out.
De Los Reyes has proudly represented the Dominican Republic in prestigious fairs and events such as the IPCPR, InterTabac, and the Nuit de L’Amateur de Cigare. Promoting the cigar as part of our country brand. They come from a family background with more than 160 years of experience in tobacco. Their strong will to reach perfection is achieved by their hardworking artisans. Dedicated, skilled men and women have joined together as a family to produce the best cigars. Some of their prestigious brands are:
Cigar Country Tours
Unfortunately, De Los Reyes Cigars does not offer a tour of their factory. However, Cigar Country Tours has a wide selection of Tabacaleras you can visit in La Romana and Santiago. If you wish to find out more before visiting the factories visit this article. Enjoy firsthand the making of exclusive brands like La Aurora, La Flor Dominicana, VegaFina, and many others!
If you wish to book your tour online today click the button down below.
Want to learn more about De Los Reyes be sure to reach out to Cigar Country via the contact form or live chart.