Named after Winston Churchill, a former British Prime Minister who was a legendary cigar connoisseur, he was almost always seen with a cigar. Churchill cigars are actually quite similar to the person they were named after. These cigars vary in size from brand to brand. The typical size ranges from 6 1/2 to 7 inches in length and 47 to 50 in ring gauge. They provide a longer smoking duration, usually an hour-plus, with changes in flavors throughout the smoking session. This is because bigger sticks tend to burn less hot than thin-sized cigars. The first half is usually prolonged with an approachable classical flavor, which ends with a more intense finishing at the end of the second half. Try Churchill cigars - Cigar Country has a wide selection for sale.
In contrast to the general opinion that cigar dimensions do not add value to the overall smoking experience, the size influences the smoking duration, the intensity, and the type of target consumer. The binder, fuller, and wrapper are combined in varying proportions depending on the size. Churchill smokes are no different. They can be found in all manufacturers. One of the most popular Churchill-size cigars is the Romeo y Julieta Reserve Churchill. This cigar popularized the Churchill size. The Ashton ESG 20-Year Salute is an all-Dominican Churchill from the premium Ashton brand. Don't forget to try Davidoff Winston Churchill, named after the man and inspiration himself. Montecristo Churchill and Oliva Serie O Churchill are some other premium "churchilled" cigars.
These cigars are perfect for long evening relaxation. Check our humidor to enjoy your evening with one of our Churchill cigars, for sale at Cigar Country. Check out all cigar sizes and shapes. Explore all of our handmade cigars! You may also return to the homepage.
208 Cigars
La Habanera Churchills
Box of 10 | 46 x 6 7/8Original price was: $48.24.$43.42Current price is: $43.42.
Fuente Fuente Opus X 20th Anniversary Father and Son
Box of 20 | 49 x 6 1/4$1,599.99
Arturo Fuente Destino al Siglo de Pasion
Box of 13 | 50 x 6 3/4$638.00
La Aurora 100 Años Churchill
Box of 25 | 47 x 7Original price was: $462.50.$416.25Current price is: $416.25.
Fuente Fuente Opus X Oro Oscuro Reserva d’Chateau
Multiple options | 48 x 7$339.99 – $1,058.40
Arturo Fuente Double Chateau Fuente Natural
Multiple options | 50 x 6 3/4$77.88 – $153.99
Arturo Fuente Double Chateau Fuente Sun Grown
Box of 20 | 50 x 6 3/4Original price was: $177.00.$153.99Current price is: $153.99.
Arturo Fuente Chateau King T Sun Grown
Box of 24 | 49 x 7Original price was: $302.40.$263.09Current price is: $263.09.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Litto Gomez Diez Dominicano
Box of 24 | 50 x 6 7/8Original price was: $384.00.$345.60Current price is: $345.60.
Davidoff Winston Churchill Churchill
Multiple options | 47 x 6 7/8$100.40 – $502.00
Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour Churchill
Box of 20 | 48 x 7$576.00
Davidoff Yamasa Petit Churchill
Box of 14 | 48 x 4$182.00
Santa Damiana Classic Churchill
Box of 25 | 48 x 7Original price was: $204.34.$183.90Current price is: $183.90.
Davidoff Chefs Edition 2021 Churchill
Box of 10 | 48 x 7$390.00
Oliva Serie G Churchill
Box of 25 | 50 x 7Original price was: $198.00.$178.20Current price is: $178.20.
Ashton Aged Maduro No. 50
Box of 25 | 48 x 7Original price was: $316.25.$284.63Current price is: $284.63.
Ashton Classic Churchill
Multiple options | 52 x 7 1/2$45.00 – $281.25
Ashton Classic Prime Minister
Box of 25 | 48 x 6 7/8Original price was: $302.50.$272.25Current price is: $272.25.
Ashton Symmetry Prestige
Box of 25 | 49 x 6 3/4Original price was: $375.00.$337.50Current price is: $337.50.
Ashton Heritage Puro Sol Churchill
Box of 25 | 48 x 6 3/4Original price was: $310.00.$279.00Current price is: $279.00.
Ashton Estate Sun Grown (ESG) 20-Year Salute
Box of 25 | 49 x 6 3/4Original price was: $577.50.$519.75Current price is: $519.75.
ACID Roam Churchill
Box of 10 | 48 x 7Original price was: $129.55.$106.23Current price is: $106.23.
Undercrown Maduro Churchill
Box of 12 | 48 x 7Original price was: $120.00.$108.00Current price is: $108.00.
Padron Series Churchill Natural
Box of 26 | 46 x 6 7/8$226.20
Padron Series Churchill Maduro
Box of 26 | 46 x 6 7/8$205.40
Oliva Serie V Melanio Churchill
Box of 10 | 50 x 7Original price was: $155.40.$139.86Current price is: $139.86.
Oliva Serie V Melanio Maduro Churchill
Box of 10 | 50 x 7Original price was: $178.00.$160.20Current price is: $160.20.
PDR A. Flores 1975 Serie Privada Maduro SP 58
Box of 24 | 58 x 7Original price was: $306.00.$275.40Current price is: $275.40.
PDR A. Flores 1975 Serie Privada Rosado/Habano SP 58
Box of 24 | 58 x 7Original price was: $306.00.$275.40Current price is: $275.40.
PDR AFR-75 San Andres Edicion Limitada Inmenso Claro
Box of 24 | 60 x 7Original price was: $402.00.$361.80Current price is: $361.80.
PDR AFR-75 San Andres Edicion Limitada Inmenso Maduro
Box of 24 | 60 x 7Original price was: $402.00.$361.80Current price is: $361.80.
Rocky Patel Vintage 1990 Broadleaf Churchill Glass Tube
Box of 10 | 48 x 7Original price was: $151.10.$135.99Current price is: $135.99.
Rocky Patel Vintage 1992 Sumatra Churchill
Box of 20 | 48 x 7Original price was: $229.00.$206.10Current price is: $206.10.
Rocky Patel Vintage 1992 Sumatra Churchill Glass Tube
Box of 20 | 48 x 7Original price was: $151.10.$135.99Current price is: $135.99.
Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 Connecticut Churchill
Box of 20 | 48 x 7Original price was: $229.00.$206.99Current price is: $206.99.
Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 Connecticut Churchill Glass Tube
Box of 10 | 48 x 7Original price was: $151.10.$135.99Current price is: $135.99.