Our best sellers represent the top-selling premium cigars in our expansive online portfolio. There are very good reasons why these products continue to appeal to cigar aficionados. Brand-name recognition is too on this list. Cigar Country is home to cigars from world-renowned brands like Montecristo, Arturo Fuente, La Flor Dominicana, Romeo y Julieta, Davidoff, and La Aurora. These companies have a reputation for consistently making well-blended cigars with impeccable craftsmanship. They all feature in the top spots of our best-selling list. Another reason why buyers can’t get enough of these cigars is the quality. Some of the cigars on this list have won the coveted Cigar Aficionado’s cigar of the year or, they have consistently scored high in Cigar Aficionado rankings. Buyers rightly trust the opinions of these expert smokers to guide them to make the finest choices.
La Flor Dominicana Andalusian Bull was the number one cigar of 2016 in a ranking by Cigar Aficionado online. This honor has made it one of the most sought-after and best-selling premium cigars in the world - and you can find it online! Also, great value for money is another reason some cigars are quite popular. Cigar smokers are mostly on the hunt for great prices. Once they find one, they keep coming back for more. Our samplers like the Iconic Brand Assortment, Dominican Heritage Toro Assortment, and Best of The Best Essential Assortment also largely feature this list. This is because customers like you have trusted our judgment in our samplers list. We have carefully curated a group of cigars in these samplers, which we believe every true smoker should try out.
Browse through our best seller list to see what other buyers have been craving and be a part of this premium smoking experience. Check out all of the top cigars. Explore all of our machine made and handmade cigars! Lastly, you may also return to the homepage.
41 Cigars
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Rothchilde Tubo
Box of 10 | 50 x 5Original price was: $103.56.$77.67Current price is: $77.67.
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Romeos Court Tube
Box of 10 | 44 x 5 1/2Original price was: $103.56.$77.72Current price is: $77.72.
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Romeos
Box of 30 | 30 x 4Original price was: $76.39.$47.73Current price is: $47.73.
Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Corona Glass Tube
Box of 10 | 44 x 5 1/2Original price was: $99.97.$89.98Current price is: $89.98.
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Churchill en Tubos
Box of 10 | 50 x 7Original price was: $112.40.$84.27Current price is: $84.27.
Montecristo Classic Series Tubo Especial
Box of 15 | 44 x 5 1/2Original price was: $227.69.$204.91Current price is: $204.91.
Montecristo Classic Series Memories
Box of 30 | 30 x 4Original price was: $71.51.$55.16Current price is: $55.16.
Montecristo Classic Series Rothchilde Tube
Box of 15 | 52 x 5Original price was: $235.99.$165.19Current price is: $165.19.
Montecristo Classic Series El Conde Tube
Box of 15 | 52 x 6Original price was: $262.21.$235.92Current price is: $235.92.
Montecristo Platinum Series Churchill Tubos
Box of 15 | 50 x 7Original price was: $238.96.$215.00Current price is: $215.00.
Montecristo Platinum Series Rothchilde Tubos
Multiple options | 50 x 5$188.06 – $338.58
Montecristo White Series Court Tube
Box of 15 | 44 x 5 1/2Original price was: $199.76.$179.85Current price is: $179.85.
Montecristo White Series Prontos Petites
Box of 30 | 33 x 4Original price was: $69.85.$53.99Current price is: $53.99.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Andalusian Bull Cigars
Box of 10 | 64 x 6 1/2$299.99
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Double Ligero Chisel Maduro
Box of 10 | 54 x 6Original price was: $112.00.$100.80Current price is: $100.80.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Double Ligero 700 Natural
Box of 20 | 60 x 6 1/2Original price was: $224.00.$201.60Current price is: $201.60.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Los Tubos Selection
Pack of 5 | AssortedOriginal price was: $61.50.$55.35Current price is: $55.35.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Robusto Selection
Pack of 5 | AssortedOriginal price was: $46.20.$41.58Current price is: $41.58.
Duho Sabores Vanilla
Box of 40 | 33 x 4Original price was: $85.00.$76.50Current price is: $76.50.
Iconic Brand Assortment
Box of 9 | 50 x 6Original price was: $69.11.$58.64Current price is: $58.64.
Dominican Heritage Toro Assortment
Box of 4 | 50 x 6Original price was: $43.94.$30.75Current price is: $30.75.
Best of the Best Essential Assortment
Box of 12 | 50 x 6$149.99
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Ligero L400 Cabinet Oscuro
Box of 24 | 54 x 5 3/4Original price was: $244.80.$220.32Current price is: $220.32.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Double Ligero 700 Maduro
Box of 20 | 60 x 6 1/2Original price was: $224.00.$201.60Current price is: $201.60.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Double Ligero Digger Maduro
Box of 20 | 60 x 8 1/2Original price was: $258.00.$232.20Current price is: $232.20.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Double Ligero Digger Natural
Box of 20 | 60 x 8 1/2Original price was: $258.00.$232.20Current price is: $232.20.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Ligero L500 Cabinet Oscuro
Box of 24 | 60 x 5 3/4Original price was: $256.80.$231.12Current price is: $231.12.
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Churchill
Multiple options | 50 x 7$150.54 – $184.01
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Numero Dos en Tubo
Box of 10 | 52 x 6 1/8Original price was: $126.33.$94.67Current price is: $94.67.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Double Ligero Chisel Natural
Box of 20 | 54 x 6Original price was: $224.00.$201.60Current price is: $201.60.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Ligero L-Granu Natural
Multiple options | 64 x 6$96.30 – $963.00
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) El Carajon
Multiple options | 34 x 4$34.20 – $342.00
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Essentials – Andalusian Bull Sampler
Box of 10 | Assorted$139.99
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Julietas
Multiple options | 28 x 4 7/8$17.86 – $107.17
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Petite Bully
Multiple options | 38 x 4$22.37 – $69.91
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Andalusian Bull – The Golden NFT
Multiple options | 42 x 6 1/4$68.99 – $835.99
Duho Sabores Cherry
Box of 40 | 33 x 4Original price was: $85.00.$76.50Current price is: $76.50.
La Aurora Best Sellers Sampler Pack 2023
Box of 10 | AssortedOriginal price was: $109.99.$76.99Current price is: $76.99.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Ligero L-Granu Cabinet Oscuro
Multiple options | 64 x 6$19.00 – $972.00