Villiger San'Doro Colorado cigars are a distinguished addition to the Villiger Cigars brand, offering a rich and flavorful smoking experience that captures the essence of time-honored traditions. The Villiger SanDoro Colorado cigars are aptly named after their attractive Ecuadorian Colorado wrapper. This wrapper leaf is known for its deep reddish-brown color, which is indicative of its rich and bold flavor profile. Beneath the lustrous wrapper, you'll find a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers, expertly combined with a Nicaraguan binder. This blend creates a complex and full-bodied smoke that's sure to captivate seasoned cigar enthusiasts.
Upon lighting a Villiger SanDoro Colorado, you're greeted with a symphony of flavors. As you progress through the smoke, the richness of the tobacco intensifies, offering notes of dark chocolate and earthiness that add depth and complexity to the flavor profile. One of the key attractions of the San'Doro Colorado series is the meticulous craftsmanship behind each cigar. These cigars are known for their consistency, providing an even burn and an effortless draw. With the San'Doro Colorado series, Villiger continues its tradition of crafting exceptional cigars that reflect a deep respect for the art and tradition of tobacco.
Unique Blend Attributes: Villiger's San Doro Colorado cigars are a testament to the brand's legacy, combining a rich heritage with contemporary tobacco expertise to create cigars that appeal to those who appreciate the complexity and robustness of premium cigars.
Strength Profile: Medium
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "The initial draw reveals a delightful mix of coffee, cedar, and pepper, setting the stage for a truly enjoyable experience."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Villiger San'Doro Colorado cigars multiple 85+ point ratings.
Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blender: Heinrich Villiger
Owner: Villiger Group
You should also try San'Doro Claro. To see all blends by this brand, please visit Villiger Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other medium-bodied blends or return to the homepage.