Villiger La Libertad cigars, which means "liberty" in Spanish, capture the spirit of freedom and the essence of a superb smoke. The Villiger name has been synonymous with quality and craftsmanship since the company's founding in Switzerland in 1888. These medium to full-bodied cigars are made using a carefully selected blend of tobacco from different regions. The Dominican Criollo wrapper lends a delightful touch of sweetness to the flavor profile. Beneath the wrapper, a combination of Seco Jalapa, Viso Esteli, and Ligero Esteli fillers, along with a Dominican binder, provides a harmonious blend of flavors that's both rich and complex.
One of the standout features of La Libertad is its construction. These cigars are meticulously crafted, ensuring an even burn and a consistent draw. This commitment to quality extends to the entire production process, from tobacco cultivation to the final rolling of the cigars. The Villiger La Libertad series is a testament to the brand's longevity and unwavering commitment to producing exceptional cigars. These cigars pay homage to the love of liberty and the pursuit of quality, making them a must-try for both seasoned aficionados and those new to the brand. With La Libertad, Villiger continues its tradition of crafting premium cigars that stand as a symbol of the company's dedication to the art of tobacco.
Unique Blend Attributes: These cigars were originally made in Honduras, then Dominican Republic, and now in Nicaragua.
Strength Profile: Medium to full
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "They are known for their bold, robust flavors with notes of cedar, coffee, and a gentle spice. The blend is well-balanced, delivering a satisfying smoke for those who appreciate complexity and depth in their cigars."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Villiger La Libertad cigars multiple 85+ point ratings.
Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blender: Heinrich Villiger
Owner: Villiger Group
You should also try San'Doro Colorado. To see all blends by this brand, please visit Villiger Cigars. Lastly, return to the homepage.