Villiger's La Flor de Ynclan cigars, created by the renowned master blender José Matias Maragoto, exemplify the marriage of Old World traditions and modern craftsmanship. The heart of the La Flor de Ynclan is the carefully selected filler tobacco from Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic and an Indonesian binder. This diverse blend brings a multitude of flavors and complexity to the forefront. The Ecuadorian wrapper, in particular, adds a layer of elegance and character, making these cigars stand out.
Upon lighting the cigar, you'll be greeted with an enticing aroma and an immediate burst of flavors. The smoke offers a balanced blend of earthy tones, rich espresso, and a touch of subtle spice. One of the defining features of the La Flor de Ynclan cigars is the impeccable construction. These cigars are masterfully rolled, ensuring a consistent draw and an even burn throughout the smoking experience. The attention to detail in crafting each cigar is a reflection of Villiger's dedication to quality and precision. The La Flor de Ynclan cigars are an exquisite choice for both aficionados and newcomers to the world of premium cigars. With their intricate blend of tobacco and sophisticated flavors, they exemplify the tradition of excellence that Villiger has established over its long history. These cigars offer a unique and memorable experience for anyone looking to savor a well-crafted and flavorful smoke.
Unique Blend Attributes: In the 1970s, Heinrich Villiger acquired the vintage Cuban cigar brand "La Flor De Ynclan," which had been retired since the 1950s
Strength Profile: Medium
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "As you progress through the smoke, the complexity continues to unfold, with hints of cedar, leather, and toasted nuts."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Villiger Flor de Ynclan cigars multiple 85+ point ratings.
Made in: Dominican Republic
Master Blender: Heinrich Villiger & José Matias Maragoto
Owner: Villiger Group
You should also try Villiger 1888. To see all blends by this brand, please visit Villiger Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other medium-bodied blends or return to the homepage.
4 Cigars
Villiger La Flor de Ynclan Robusto
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Villiger La Flor de Ynclan Lancero Especial
Box of 25 | 43 x 6 3/4Original price was: $288.76.$259.88Current price is: $259.88.
Villiger La Flor de Ynclan Torpedo
Multiple options | 52 x 6$113.40 – $283.50
Villiger La Flor de Ynclan Churchill
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