Tatuaje Fausto cigars are probably the strongest in Pete Johnson’s portfolio. An old-time discontinued Cuban brand inspires the cigar name. It was crafted in the My Father factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, under the watchful eyes of a renowned cigar maker, Don ‘Pepin’ Garcia. Fausto cigar is an extension of an original line of Tatuaje cigars called T110. T stands for “thermonuclear,” while 110 is the size of a cigar in millimeters. The cigars in the Fausto line are also named in that pattern- an FT for Fausto and a number for the vitolas in millimeters. Both Fausto and T110 contain the same blend.
The cigars are dressed in a dark, oily, and lustrous Ecuadorian Habano Maduro wrapper with dark chocolate-like, hay, peppery, leathery, and spicy aroma. In them are well-aged Nicaragua long fillers and binders grown in the highly volcanic regions of Esteli and Jalapa. Emblazoned in the cigar cabinet box is an image of the devil, and the band is red-hued, showing the real mysterious strength and boldness of the cigars. Fausto cigars are available in five different vitolas: FT140 Robusto Extra (5 ½" x 52), FT114 Short Robusto (4 ½" x 52), FT153 Toro (6" x 50), FT127 Robusto (5" x 54), and FT166 Short Churchill (6 ½" x 48). Fausto cigars’ strength is not overwhelming to mask the flavors and aromas of the cigars. They are rich, flavorful, smooth, creamy, well-balanced, and draw flawlessly. You are definitely in for an ecstasy time. Grab a box from our cigar collection today.
Unique Blend Attributes: This blend was originally created for a Hawaiian retailer, and then released to the public in 2011.
Strength Profile: Full
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "The cigar is full-bodied in strength, with a bomb of spices lingering on the palates. The early part has notes of dark coffee, leather, oak, black pepper, and some creamy, earthy tinge. In the later part, the flavors are rich with notes of espresso, cedar, and some leather."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded multiple 90+ point ratings to Tatuaje Fausto cigars.
Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blender: Don Pepin & Pete Johnson
Owners: Tatuaje Cigars Inc.
You should also try Tatuaje Avion. Explore all blends by the brand! Lastly, you may explore other full-bodied blends or return to the homepage.
5 Cigars
Tatuaje Fausto FT114 Short Robusto
Box of 25 | 52 x 4 1/2Original price was: $212.50.$191.25Current price is: $191.25.
Tatuaje Fausto FT166 Short Churchill
Box of 25 | 48 x 6 1/2Original price was: $237.50.$213.75Current price is: $213.75.
Tatuaje Fausto FT127 Robusto
Box of 25 | 54 x 5Original price was: $225.00.$202.50Current price is: $202.50.
Tatuaje Fausto FT140 Robusto Extra
Box of 25 | 52 x 5 1/2Original price was: $225.00.$202.50Current price is: $202.50.
Tatuaje Fausto FT153 Toro
Box of 25 | 50 x 6Original price was: $237.50.$213.75Current price is: $213.75.