In the world of cigars, the name Montecristo resonates with a legacy of unparalleled excellence. Renowned as the finest producer of non-Cuban cigars globally, the brand has captured the hearts of aficionados for decades, offering a remarkable smoking experience that stands as the benchmark for cigar quality. The origins of the name Montecristo trace back to the pages of the adventure novel, "The Count of Monte Cristo." Interestingly, this novel held a special place among cigar rollers in the early 1900s, with lectors reading its captivating tales aloud on the rolling floor. It's from these tales that the brand found its inspiration.
In 1935, Menendez y Garcia brought Montecristo to life in Cuba, setting the stage for a remarkable journey in the world of cigars. These cigars swiftly gained fame for their exquisite craftsmanship and became the gold standard against which all other cigars are measured. Today, their portfolio boasts an array of exceptional Dominican blends. Each Montecristo cigar features flawless construction, select wrappers that burn beautifully, and an unmistakably smooth aroma. Smoking a Montecristo is a declaration that you're savoring one of the world's greatest cigars.
At Cigar Country, we offer a wide selection of Montecristo cigars at unbeatable prices. With our best price guarantee and factory-fresh delivery to your doorstep, you can enjoy your favorite Monte Cristo blends with confidence. Don't miss our Personalized Cigars section, where you can customize Montecristo cigars for a truly special gift. So, whether you're a seasoned aficionado or new to the world of cigars, make sure your humidor includes Montecristo cigars.
Read all of Cigar Aficionado's reviews! Additionally, if you are looking for a great medium-bodied Montecristo cigar, try the popular Classic and White blends. Our full-body favorites are the Platinum cigars. Not sure what you are looking for and want to try out an assortment of blends? Then go to Samplers. Lastly, return to the homepage.
92 Cigars
Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua Demi
Box of 20 | 46 x 5 1/2Original price was: $279.75.$251.77Current price is: $251.77.
Montecristo Espada Guard
Box of 10 | 50 x 6Original price was: $161.03.$144.90Current price is: $144.90.
Montecristo Espada Ricasso
Box of 10 | 54 x 5Original price was: $157.27.$141.52Current price is: $141.52.
Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua No. 2
Box of 10 | 52 x 6Original price was: $195.61.$176.09Current price is: $176.09.
Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua Toro
Box of 10 | 54 x 6Original price was: $186.38.$167.80Current price is: $167.80.
Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Nicaragua Espeso
Box of 10 | 60 x 5Original price was: $180.00.$162.00Current price is: $162.00.
Montecristo 1935 Anniversary Edicion Diamante Robusto
Box of 10 | 54 x 5Original price was: $228.60.$205.95Current price is: $205.95.
Montecristo Anniversary Assortment 12-Cigar Sampler
Box of 12 | AssortedOriginal price was: $209.56.$175.00Current price is: $175.00.
Montecristo Classic No 3 It’s a Girl!
Box of 20 | 44 x 5 1/2Original price was: $262.47.$236.18Current price is: $236.18.
Montecristo Classic No 3 It’s a Boy!
Box of 20 | 44 x 5 1/2Original price was: $262.47.$236.18Current price is: $236.18.
Montecristo Espada Oscuro Quillion
Box of 10 | 56 x 7Original price was: $177.48.$159.73Current price is: $159.73.
Montecristo Espada Oscuro Magnum Especial
Box of 10 | 60 x 6Original price was: $180.02.$162.02Current price is: $162.02.