Plasencia Alma Fuerte cigars are medium-bodied with a dark and oily Maduro Nicaraguan wrapper. It features a Nicaraguan binder and a combination of aged Criollo '98 Nicaraguan tobacco leaves harvested from three distinct regions, including Jalapa, Condega, and Estelí. This is complemented by the distinctive green packaging and black cigar rings, with ancient Mayan stone carvings and reflecting the rich cultural history of Central America. This highlights the Plasencia family's deep connection to their heritage. Buy now!
As a family-owned and operated business for over five generations, the Plasencias are known for their commitment to environmental sustainability and quality in all aspects of cigar production. The Alma Fuerte line embodies this philosophy and showcases their dedication to creating cigars that are not just products but true works of art. For those seeking a full-bodied, flavorful, and rich smoking experience, Plasencia Alma Fuerte is a cigar that truly excels. Shop now for a box!
Unique Blend Attributes: All cigars in this blend are aged for a minimum of ten years.
Strength Profile: Medium
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "With hints of dark chocolate, plum, and cinnamon, the taste is rounded out with finishing notes of oak and molasses."
Accolades: Plasencia Alma Fuerte cigars received many awards from various journals and many 90+ point ratings from Cigar Aficionado.
Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blender: Néstor Andrés, Gustavo, and José Luis Plasencia
Owner: The Plasencia family
You should also try Alma Fuerte Natural/Colorado Claro. To see all blends by this brand, please visit Plasencia Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other medium-bodied blends or return to the homepage.
4 Cigars
Plasencia Alma Fuerte Robusto I
Multiple options | 52 x 5 1/4$96.53 – $193.05
Plasencia Alma Fuerte Nestor IV Toro
Multiple options | 54 x 6 1/4$105.08 – $210.15
Plasencia Alma Fuerte Sixto II Hexagon
Box of 10 | 60 x 6Original price was: $245.00.$220.50Current price is: $220.50.
Plasencia Alma Fuerte Generacion V Salomon
Box of 10 | 58 x 7Original price was: $257.00.$231.30Current price is: $231.30.