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AVO Cigars

AVO Cigars by Davidoff are legendary. In a world of chaos and unpredictability, an Armenian-American Jazz musician rose to create harmony amidst the noise. With notes smooth like the composition of the brand founder, Avo Uvezian, AVO Cigars resonates with every cigar aficionado who tries them. Born out of a desire to compose cigars that stand out at a reasonable price, these premium cigars gets you the best experiences at little cost. The partnership of Avo with legendary blender Hendrik Kelner gave birth to numerous lines of cigars that we have come to love. The AVO Classic, which also comes in a Maduro blend, the Heritage, and the XO are the forerunners. Then we have the Syncros, which contains cigars where synchronization with other Latin American leaves of tobacco is achieved. The Syncro Caribe, Fogata, Nicaragua, and Ritmo complete an exceptional catalog. The legendary cigar company Davidoff makes all AVO cigars in the heart of the Dominican Republic. Most cigars in the brand’s catalog are made with Dominican-grown binders and fillers, differing majorly in the wrapper category. Try AVO cigars, for sale at Cigar Country!

For example, the flagship cigar of the brand, AVO classic, is composed of premium-aged Dominican tobacco binders and fillers. A silky blonde Ecuadorian Connecticut leaf completes the ensemble. This gives the end product the characteristic chocolate, leather, coffee, and spicy notes of premium Dominican tobacco. Apart from the classic, this brand also offers full-bodied cigars like the Heritage for the strong-hearted. Made from the best Cuban-seed Dominican binders, fillers, and an Ecuador Sun-frown wrapper. The result of the chemistry is full-bodied cigars that are well-balanced and bold. These cigars have notes of cocoa, nuts, spices, wood, nutmeg, leather, and a blast of black pepper. The flavors are complex yet rich and smooth- perfect for newbies or aficionados who want a fuller, bolder, and more flavorful experience. If you want to capture every moment of your celebration while savoring every note, AVO is the way to go. Browse through our collection to grab a box of AVO cigars by Davidoff, for sale here!

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