NUB Habano Sun Grown cigars sport Sun Grown Ecuadorian Habano wrappers with captivating Nicaraguan long-leaf filler tobaccos. An excellent medium to full-bodied blend. This uniquely stocky premium cigar successfully captures the flavor and body of any other contending cigar size. Tastes of cocoa, roasted nuts, and cinnamon fill every puff. The larger ring gauge delivers a quick and flavorful smoking experience. Certainly, you'll be happy to see these in your humidor next time you grab a cigar.
Furthermore, the innovative concept behind Nub was initially considered by many to be a passing fad. In addition, the cigar that started as a mere idea at the Oliva factory in Nicaragua is now an industry staple and unique in its presentation. Nub Habano smokes were designed by a torcedor that wanted to make a cigar that hit its sweet spot at first light, AKA short, stout smoke with a big ring gauge. So, enjoy these truly magnificent flavored short smokes today.
Unique Blend Attributes: Nub Habano Sun Grown stogies come in short, stout formats that pack a flavorful punch.
Strength Profile: Medium to full
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Nub Habano Sun Grown with various 87+ point ratings.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "This is a rich blend that offers a complex profile with hints of cocoa, roasted nuts, a slight bready note, cinnamon, and red pepper spice."
Born in: Nicaragua
Made in: Esteli, Nicaragua
Master Blenders: Studio Tobac
Owners: Oliva Cigar Company
Try the Nub Habano 460 or the 464T Torpedo! Too many choices? Please narrow your search by using our filter options. If you prefer Maduro wrappers, try the Maduro blend instead! You can also explore all blends by visiting Nub Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other medium to full-bodied blends or return to the homepage.
5 Cigars
Nub Habano Sun Grown 460 Tubos
Box of 12 | 60 x 4Original price was: $132.00.$118.80Current price is: $118.80.
Nub Habano Sun Grown 358
Box of 24 | 58 x 3 3/4Original price was: $216.00.$194.40Current price is: $194.40.
Nub Habano Sun Grown 460
Box of 24 | 60 x 4Original price was: $266.00.$239.40Current price is: $239.40.
Nub Habano Sun Grown 466
Box of 24 | 66 x 4Original price was: $284.00.$255.60Current price is: $255.60.
Nub Habano Sun Grown 464T
Box of 24 | 64 x 4Original price was: $244.00.$219.60Current price is: $219.60.