Leon Jimenes Doble Maduro cigars are a full-bodied and natural evolution of the traditional Leon Jimenes cigar. La Aurora factory, the oldest cigar company in the Dominican Republic, surfacing in 1903, introduced these powerful cigars as a stronger and thicker version of the originals. Although they traditionally used Connecticut wrappers to dress Leon Jimenes cigars, they introduced CuBra for this powerful Maduro. CubBra stands for Cuban seed tobacco grown in Brazil. The blend name, Leon Jimenes Doble Maduro, derives from the process of double fermentation each cigar experiences. The wrapper acquires a chocolatey velvet exterior through this process, producing an irresistible smell with each smoke. This powerfully flavored cigar will undoubtedly make an excellent addition to your humidor collection.
At the Leon Jimenes, they handcraft each cigar incorporating century-old traditional techniques. Additionally, they make the filler using a blend of well-aged tobacco from Nicaragua and El Cibao, the Dominican Republic's most fertile valley. If you like strong and bittersweet smokes, you’ll certainly love this blend. Notes of black pepper tropical fruits are prominent throughout Leon Jimenes Doble Maduro cigars. Not only can you taste the elements of nuts and citrus in each smoke, but you can also smell scents of cedar, leather, and chocolate. So get your Doble Maduro cigars today directly from DR!
Unique Blend Attributes: Made with a well-aged Cuban seed wrapper grown in Brazil and a Dominican binder. Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco form the filler.
Strength Profile: Full
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "Strong flavors of leather and cedar, complemented by notes of citrus and rich chocolate. The velvety CuBra wrapper allows for a smooth and even burn."
Accolades: Each cigar ages for at least 3 years, giving it its strong and ripe flavors. Cigar Aficionado rated many of their cigars with high scores.
Born in: Santiago, Dominican Republic
Made in: Dominican Republic
Master Blender: Guillermo León
Owners: La Aurora, S.A.
Only four sizes available: Figurado Perfecto, Giant, bigger Figurado Perfecto, and Robusto. Besides Leon Jimenes Doble Maduro, there are several other blends under the Leon Jimenes Cigars brand. For a milder blend, try Prestige instead. Lastly, you may explore other full-bodied blends or return to the homepage.
4 Cigars
Leon Jimenes Doble Maduro Leyendas
Box of 10 | 47 x 5 1/2Original price was: $82.50.$74.25Current price is: $74.25.
Leon Jimenes Doble Maduro Gigante
Box of 10 | 58 x 7Original price was: $100.00.$90.00Current price is: $90.00.
Leon Jimenes Doble Maduro Ambassador
Box of 10 | 38/60 x 4 1/2Original price was: $95.00.$85.50Current price is: $85.50.
Leon Jimenes Doble Maduro Robusto
Box of 10 | 50 x 5Original price was: $85.00.$76.50Current price is: $76.50.