H Upmann 180th Anniversary cigars are medium to full-bodied with a medio tiempo Nicaragua wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and Nicaraguan filler tobacco. The medio tiempo wrapper is a specific priming of the tobacco plant that is found above the Ligero leaf. It is the strongest leaf of the plant! It comes from a hybrid seed and is subjected to a special fermentation process. These Nicaraguan puros are made by AJ Fernandez and Rafael Nodal in Nicaragua to celebrate the brand's 180th anniversary!
These spectacular cigars are beautifully adorned with golden rings. Almost 2 centuries of tobacco expertise would deserve no less! Only 5,000 boxes of 10 cigars were made of the Churchill vitola, with each box featuring a nostalgic collage of H Upmann memories inside. There is also a Toro vitola that is only available in a humidor, and only 180 units were made! These limited edition sticks are yet another legendary collaboration between Nodal and AJ Fernandez that you must try. Shop now for a box of H Upmann 180th Anniversary cigars!
Unique Blend Attributes: A blend celebrating the brand's 180th anniversary.
Strength Profile: Medium to full
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded H Upmann cigars multiple 85+ point ratings, 180th Anniversary coming soon!
Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blenders: AJ Fernandez & Rafael Nodal
Owners: Altadis USA
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