Step into a world of timeless luxury and heritage with The Banker by H Upmann cigars. Crafted to honor the legacy of German bankers Carl and Herman Upmann, this cigar is a testament to their dedication to excellence. The blend boasts an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper that hints at the richness within. Combined with a Nicaraguan binder and a core of meticulously aged Nicaraguan and Dominican long-leaf fillers, this cigar promises a journey of complexity and sophistication. More than 170 years ago, the Upmann brothers crafted a special blend, sealing it away in their vaults for their most esteemed clients. Now, The Banker by H Upmann brings this exquisite blend to aficionados worldwide.
Encased in a lustrous, dark-brown wrapper, the allure of The Banker starts with its appearance. Indulge in a captivating experience as The Banker cigar unveils its full-flavored and spicy profile, accompanied by a robust body and aromatic presence. Every draw echoes the dedication and precision that Carl and Herman Upmann instilled in their legacy. A staff favorite and a true treasure among cigars, The Banker offers a remarkable return on investment—savor each moment with a cigar that has stood the test of time, carrying the Upmann name with pride and distinction.
Unique Blend Attributes: The Banker by H Upmann is a bolder medium-body cigar that delivers a rich, full-flavor, and spicy profile with a robust body and aroma.
Strength Profile: Medium
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "A robust nutty flavor with refined notes of spice, coffee, and leather."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded H Upmann The Banker multiple 85+ point ratings.
Made in: La Romana, Dominican Republic
Master Blenders: Grupo de Maestros
Owners: Altadis USA
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6 Cigars
H. Upmann The Banker Currency
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H. Upmann The Banker Ingot Rose
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H. Upmann The Banker Daytrader Whale
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H. Upmann The Banker Annuity 5 Pack with Torch Lighter
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H. Upmann The Banker Annuity
Box of 20 | 52 x 6Original price was: $217.43.$195.68Current price is: $195.68.
H. Upmann The Banker Arbitrage
Box of 20 | 56 x 7Original price was: $235.31.$211.78Current price is: $211.78.