The Wise Man Corojo "El Gueguense" cigars, a masterpiece from the Foundation Cigar Company, are named after a traditional Nicaraguan folk dance character. El Güegüense pays homage to Nicaragua's rich cultural heritage in Nicaragua. It showcases his deep understanding of tobacco and his commitment to preserving the authenticity of Nicaraguan flavors. This cigar is a Nicaraguan puro, meaning that all the tobacco used in its construction comes from Nicaragua, a country renowned for its premium cigar tobacco. It features a Corojo 99 Jalapa wrapper and Corojo 99 & Criollo 98 filler tobacco. Shop now!
These cigars are known for their medium to full-bodied profile. Beyond its excellent flavor profile, El Güegüense's packaging is a work of art, with colorful and intricate designs that reflect the cultural richness of Nicaragua. The presentation captures the essence of the folkloric character, making each box and cigar a visual delight. This cigar is more than a smoke; it's a celebration of Nicaragua's cultural legacy, inviting enthusiasts to savor the essence of this vibrant Central American nation with every draw. Buy a box of Foundation Wise Man Corojo El Gueguense cigars today!
Unique Blend Attributes: The blend is named after a traditional Nicaraguan folk dance character.
Strength Profile: Medium to full
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "Aficionados can expect a combination of earthy tones, hints of spice, and natural sweetness, creating a captivating and memorable smoking journey. "
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Foundation Wise Man Corojo El Gueguense multiple 90+ point ratings.
Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blenders: Nicholas Melillo
Owners: Nicholas Melillo
You should also try The Wise Man. Explore all blends by visiting Foundation Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other medium to full-bodied blends or return to the homepage.11 Cigars
The Wise Man Corojo “El Güegüense” Corona Gorda
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The Wise Man Corojo “El Güegüense” Robusto
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The Wise Man Corojo “El Güegüense” Churchill
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The Wise Man Corojo “El Güegüense” Torpedo
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The Wise Man Corojo “El Güegüense” Toro Huaco
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The Wise Man Corojo “El Güegüense” Macho Raton / Perfecto
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The Wise Man Corojo Corona
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The Wise Man Corojo Robusto
Box of 20 | 50 x 5 1/2Original price was: $230.00.$207.00Current price is: $207.00.
The Wise Man Corojo Toro
Box of 20 | 52 x 6Original price was: $250.00.$225.00Current price is: $225.00.
The Wise Man Corojo Doble Corona
Box of 20 | 54 x 7Original price was: $270.00.$243.00Current price is: $243.00.
The Wise Man Corojo “El Güegüense” Lancero
Box of 13 | 40 x 7 1/2Original price was: $171.60.$154.44Current price is: $154.44.