Davidoff Yamasa emerges as a premium, full-flavored cigar blend inspired by the fertile lands of the Dominican Republic, particularly the renowned region of Yamasa. Named after this picturesque locale, the cigar draws its essence from the region's ideal climate and mineral-rich soil, once deemed unsuitable for tobacco cultivation. However, through meticulous study and the expertise of master blenders and agricultural scientists, Yamasa underwent a remarkable transformation into a thriving tobacco farm. Part of the esteemed Davidoff Black Pillar collection, Yamasa boasts a 90-point rating, distinguishing itself with its unique flavor profile divided into three distinct sections within the cigar. Upon lighting, aficionados are greeted with a harmonious medley of dried fruits, spices, coffee, cedarwood, and subtle hints of black pepper, offering a sensory journey like no other.
Each section of a Davidoff Yamasa cigar is meticulously crafted to offer an unforgettable smoking experience. From the initial notes of amaretto and raisins to the evolving aromas of nuts, earth, and leather, the cigar captivates the palate with its complexity and depth. The true magic unfolds in the lingering aftertaste, where each section presents a new and intriguing flavor dimension, enticing the smoker to savor every moment. Available in four sizes—Petit Churchill, Robusto, Piramides, and Toro —the black-ringed Davidoff Yamasa stands as a testament to strength and sophistication, making it a preferred choice for enthusiasts seeking robust cigar experiences. Indulge in the exquisite pleasure of Davidoff Yamasa, now available for purchase at Cigar Country, and elevate your smoking ritual to new heights.
Unique Blend Attributes: Davidoff Yamasa features Piloto, Mejorado, Condega, and Esteli tobacco.
Strength Profile: Full
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "A deep, complex blend slowly revealing a variety of unique flavors, with a mixture of sweetness balanced against a spicy flavor."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Davidoff Yamasa with multiple 85+ point ratings.
Made in: Dominican Republic
Master Blender: Hendrik "Henke" Kelner
Owners: Oettinger Davidoff AG.
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