Crowned Heads Ozgener Family Cigars Firsat is a mild-bodied cigar with an Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper, Ecuadorian Habano binder, and Nicaraguan filler tobacco hand-rolled at Tabacalera La Alianza in the Dominican Republic. These cigars are the third installment in the Ozgener line and pay homage to Tim Ozgener's Mediterranean family history. This blend is a collaboration between Ozgener and Ernesto Perez-Carillo in the Dominican Republic. The name Firsat means "opportunity" in Turkish.
These cigars come in counts of 2o in wooden boxes that are adorned with a bright teal background and the Firsat logo. Each cigar features a golden ring with the Fursat logo. These spectacular cigars are an amazing way of experiencing a bit of Turkish and Mediterranean culture. If you're a fan of the other Ozgener blends, this one will not disappoint. Buy a box of Crowned Heads Ozgener Family Cigars First today!
Unique Blend Attributes: This is an amazing collaboration between Tim Ozgener, Ernesto Perez-Carillo, and Jon Huber.
Strength Profile: Medium
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "They offer a captivating flavor profile with tasting notes of exotic spices, roasted nuts, and a delicate sweetness, delivering a truly unique and memorable smoking experience that pays homage to the rich heritage of Turkish tobacco."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Crowned Heads Ozgener Family Cigars Aramas multiple 90+ point ratings, Firsta will follow soon.
Made in: Dominican Republic
Master Blenders: Jon Huber, Tim Ozgener, & Ernesto Perez-Carillo
Owners: Crowned Heads LLC
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4 Cigars
Crowned Heads Ozgener Firsat F52 Robusto
Box of 20 | 52 x 5Original price was: $245.00.$220.50Current price is: $220.50.
Crowned Heads Ozgener Firsat F54 Corona
Box of 20 | 54 x 7Original price was: $280.00.$252.00Current price is: $252.00.
Crowned Heads Ozgener Firsat F55 Toro
Box of 20 | 55 x 5 1/2Original price was: $265.00.$238.50Current price is: $238.50.
Crowned Heads Ozgener Firsat F60 Toro Gordo
Box of 20 | 60 x 6Original price was: $290.00.$261.00Current price is: $261.00.