Who Owns Padron Cigars and Where are They Made?
By ConnorPadron Cigars is one of the most respected and beloved brands in the cigar world. Known for their rich flavors and exceptional quality, Padron Cigars has earned a loyal following among cigar enthusiasts. But who owns this iconic brand, and where are these exceptional cigars made? Let’s dive into the story behind Padron Cigars.
Recommendation: Padron Collection Natural Sampler
Strength: Assorted
Country: Nicaragua
Wrapper: Assorted
Who Owns Padron Cigars?
The Padron family owns Padron Cigars. The company was founded by José Orlando Padrón in 1964 in Miami, Florida. José Orlando Padrón was a Cuban immigrant who came to the United States with a deep passion for cigars. He wanted to create a cigar brand that would honor his Cuban heritage while delivering the highest quality to smokers.
The company has remained family-owned and operated since its founding. After José Orlando Padrón passed away in 2017, his son, Jorge Padrón, took over as the company’s president. The Padrón family has maintained the brand’s commitment to quality and tradition, ensuring that each cigar produced lives up to the high standards set by José Orlando Padrón.
Where Are Padron Cigars Made?
Padron Cigars are crafted in Nicaragua, specifically in the city of Estelí. Estelí is known as one of the top cigar-producing regions in the world, thanks to its rich soil and ideal climate for growing tobacco. The Padrón family moved their operations to Nicaragua in the early 1970s, seeking the best environment to produce their cigars.
The decision to move to Nicaragua was a significant one for the Padrón family. The country’s fertile soil and favorable weather conditions allowed them to grow the high-quality tobacco that has become the hallmark of Padron Cigars. The company grows its own tobacco, carefully cultivating it and aging it to perfection before using it in their cigars.
What Makes Padron Cigars Special?
Padron Cigars are celebrated for their consistent quality, rich flavors, and dedication to tradition. The Padrón family oversees every aspect of production, from the selection of tobacco seeds to the final rolling of the cigars. They use a unique process of aging their tobacco for a minimum of two and a half years, with some tobacco aged up to ten years, which gives their cigars a deep, complex flavor.
Padron offers a range of cigars, from their more affordable lines like the Padron Series to their luxury lines like the Padron 1926 and Padron 1964 Anniversary Series. Each cigar is handmade, ensuring that every smoker gets the same high-quality experience.
Padron Cigars is a family-owned brand with deep roots in tradition and a strong commitment to quality. Owned by the Padrón family and crafted in the cigar-rich region of Estelí, Nicaragua, these cigars have become a symbol of excellence in the cigar industry. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or just starting your journey into the world of cigars, trying a Padron is a must. They are not just cigars; they are a piece of history and a testament to the dedication of the Padron family to their craft.
Find Your Favorite With a Sampler! Padron 1964 Serie Aniversario Sampler Natural
Strength: Medium-Full
Country: Nicaragua
Wrapper: Nicaragua