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Davidoff Signature 1000

Experience the timeless allure of Davidoff Signature Series 1000 cigars, petite panetelas beloved by the brand's founders, Zino and Dr. Schneider. Crafted with care, these mild-bodied cigars boast a blend of Dominican filler, an Ecuador hybrid binder, and an exquisite Ecuador Connecticut wrapper that tantalizes the senses with every draw. Close your eyes and immerse yourself in the delicate floral aromas that envelop you, accompanied by subtle hints of sweetness that harmonize perfectly with earthy and woody undertones. Crafted from the finest tobaccos, these Dominican cigars offer a rich and flavorful smoking experience that is truly unparalleled.

Each cigar in this blend is delicately thin, a nod to the brand's Swedish roots and the slender profile characteristic of European cigars. The name "Signature" reflects Davidoff's unwavering confidence in the blend's elegance and beauty, making it a standout choice for aficionados seeking a unique smoking experience. Part of the esteemed Davidoff core Dominican blends, the Signature 1000 cigars feature the iconic white bands that symbolize luxury and sophistication. Measuring 34 x 4 5/8", these petite panetelas come in boxes of 25 or packs of 5, offering you the flexibility to discover your favorite. Purchase these exquisite cigars today, sourced directly from the Dominican Republic, and elevate your cigar collection with a touch of luxury.


Remarkable Product Attributes: Davidoff Signature 1000 is a combination of the traditional favorites Mille and Classic series in a petit panetela format.

Master Blender Tasting Notes: "Smoking these cigars almost perfectly mimics a walk through a botanical garden. The floral aromas alone make this cigar worthy of your time."

Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Davidoff Signature No 2 a 91-point rating, Signature 1000 is sure to follow.

If you are interested in other sizes in this blend by this brand, please visit Davidoff Signature. However, to view all blends by this brand, check out Davidoff Cigars. Nevertheless, for a different option in this blend, check out, Signature 2000. Lastly, you may explore other Ecuador Connecticut wrapper cigars or return to the homepage.

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Cigar not actual size. Image is for preview purposes only. Cigars are personalized on cedar or cellophane wrappers depending on brand specifications. We don't allow profanity or unauthorized use of brands or logos.

  • Example

Cigar not actual size. Image is for preview purposes only. Cigars are personalized on cedar or cellophane wrappers depending on brand specifications. We don't allow profanity or unauthorized use of brands or logos.

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Cigar not actual size. Image is for preview purposes only. Cigars are personalized on cedar or cellophane wrappers depending on brand specifications. We don't allow profanity or unauthorized use of brands or logos.

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  • Shape
  • Ring Gauge
  • Length
    4 5/8

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    Davidoff Signature

  • Filler

    Dominican Republic

  • Binder


  • Wrapper Type

    Ecuador Connecticut

  • Origin/Country

    Dominican Republic

  • Size


  • Flavored


  • Strength


  • Made


Davidoff Signature 1000

$1000Box of 200