Happy Dominican Independence Day! Top 5 Dominican Cigars to Celebrate
By ConnorOn February 27th, 1844 the Dominican Republic independence day was proclaimed. Furthermore, this day commemorates the war that Juan Pablo Duarte in conjunction with Francisco del Rosario Sánchez, Ramón Matías Mella, and other individuals who joined the group of “La Trinitaria” revolted against the Haitian regime. Celebrate with us the Dominican Independence. Moreover, check out the wide variety of cigars 100% made in the DR, the Cigar Country. All are available here. Happy independence day Dominican Republic!
Happy Independence Day! Here are the top 5 Dominican cigars to celebrate with:
1. La Aurora ADN Dominicano Gran Toro
Founded in 1903, La Aurora Cigars was the first-ever premium cigar brand crafted in the Dominican Republic. Producing some of the finest smokes on the planet, offered in several wonderful mild to fuller-bodied blends that have joined ranks with their classic Connecticut-wrapped cigar. Additionally, La Aurora ADN Dominicano Gran Toro (“ADN” stands for “DNA” in Spanish). Furthermore, this one is a medium-body cigar that packs full flavor. Cigar artisans build each cigar carefully using a Dominican wrapper, a Cameroon binder, and a filler of Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Pennsylvanian tobacco.
2. Leon Jimenes Doble Maduro Ambassador
La Aurora factory handcrafts Leon Jimenes Cigars, the oldest cigar company in the Dominican Republic. In addition, the blend name, Leon Jimenes Doble Maduro, derives from the process of double fermentation each cigar experiences. The wrapper acquires a chocolatey velvet exterior through this process, producing an irresistible smell with each smoke. Certainly, Leon Jimenes Doble Maduro Ambassador is a great cigar. So, buy these cigars to commemorate Dominican independence day along with one of the first premium Dominican cigar brands.
3. La Flor Dominicana Ligero L-Granu Cabinet Oscuro
Founded in 1996, La Flor Dominicana LFD Cigars is a premium cigar brand from Santiago, Dominican Republic. Since then, founder and owner Litto Gomez became one of the most prolific Cigar Masters of all time. La Flor Domnicanca Ligero L-Granu Cabinet Oscuro is a 64 x 6″ Giant size. Without a doubt, immensely enjoyed by those who prefer stronger full flavor handmade cigars. Expect a full flavor experience. Get your La Flor Dominicana Ligero L-Granu Oscuro cigars today factory fresh and direct from the Dominican Republic at Cigar Country.
4. VegaFina Classic Piramides
VegaFina puros boast the finest aged long-leaf tobacco, flawless construction, and the highest quality. Likewise, the Dominican Republic handcrafts the VegaFina Classic Piramides at the famous Tabacalera de Garcia factory. Classic cigars offer mild, wooden flavor, with pepper, almonds, and coffee notes. In addition, these popular mild-to-medium-bodied mouthwatering cigars are enjoyable any time of day. VegaFina Classic Piramides comes in a modern design and a premium image.
5. Macanudo Maduro Diplomat
The Diplomat is a mild to medium-bodied conical cigar with a slender rounded head that gets thicker towards the center and finally ends in a slightly less thick foot. Handcrafted in the Dominican Republic with the very best oily and black Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and filled with aged long-leaf tobaccos from Mexico and Dominicana. Certainly, Macanudo Maduro is one of the richest and most intriguing maduros available today. Make sure to say “happy Dominican independence day” with Macanudo Maduro Diplomat.
Lastly, for more information about Dominican cigars or any other kind, please reach out to Cigar Country via the contact form or live chat.