Davidoff Around the World: New York City (NYC)
By Mariana HerediaDavidoff of Geneva operates four dashing NYC store and lounge locations, featuring a great assortment of classic and limited edition cigars. At the Davidoff stores in NY, clients seeking a premium experience can order cigars from Cuba, Nicaragua, and Honduras, as well as suggest their own brands for consumption. Davidoff offers the ultimate experience for cigar lovers at their locations in NYC. At all of their four locations, clients can enjoy private, walk-in humidors, exclusive events, and access to Davidoff’s premium cigar lounges.
With smoking bans spreading across the United States, cigar lounges are becoming the last establishments for cigar smokers to enjoy themselves. Davidoff’s NYC stores and lounges in this matter stand apart and provide a safe haven for most cigar lovers who want to have an elite and luxury environment. States, cities, and towns that have banned smoking still allow smoking inside cigar shops and lounges (Washington State is a noted exception), and savvy cigar store owners are responding by creating lounges inside their shops. The Davidoff of Geneva NYC store locations include Madison ave, 6th ave, Downtown, and Brooklyn.
Davidoff NY Cigar Recommendations
- We are going to start off with the Davidoff Grand Cru. It best represents the early years of Davidoff those formative years when it was first coming on the scene in terms of the non-Cuban version and where they establish the reputation for consistency for class and for just being overall top-notch in just about every aspect. Very mellow very smooth but with that signature Davidoff way they were able to have a more mellow cigar. Dominican Tobaccos for the filler and binders, Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper little nutty, some hints of vanilla in there as well, and sweet creamy coffee. It’s a great Cigar for a beginner or also if you are seasoned but just want something mellow.
- The next one is Davidoff Millennium, you’ll fall in love with this cigar on your first try. This was their first attempt at going with something a little stronger, a little fuller body and they nailed it. It uses a great blend of aged Dominican tobacco including Piloto Cubano some allure and a specially grown Ecuadorian wrapper. It’s dark, it has a nice, sweet raisin taste to it, balance that out with a little spice. Visually stunning, the wrapper is stunning, and the construction is just amazing.
- And in the end, I would like to recommend something really amazing and it’s Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour Churchill. By far the strongest cigar Davidoff has ever put out and one of the strongest cigars on the market right now. It’s rich, it’s heavy, very flavorful, and readily available at this exclusive Davidoff store in NY.
About Cigar Country
Located in the heart of the Dominican Republic’s tourist region (halfway between Punta Cana and Santo Domingo). Our 2,000+ square feet humidor features the finest handmade Dominican cigars from the most respected manufacturers in the world. Cigar Country’s Experts will guide you through the VegaFina cigar-making experience and assist you in choosing the right cigar for you. Whether it’s for your personal consumption or gifting, we have the widest selection you will ever find at the best DUTYFREE prices. You will feel at home in our cozy lounging areas and notoriously friendly staff. Hope to have you visit soon. You can also call, chat, or email to contact Cigar Country!