Counterfeit Cigars: How to Avoid Being Ripped Off
By Ruben GonzalezThe Dominican Republic is a great place to buy cigars, but there are a few traps you must steer clear of. For instance, genuine Cuban Cohiba cigars sold in the Dominican Republic are ALL counterfeit. Authentic cigars are sold at exclusive stores with adequate conditions. Keep away from street sellers who will most likely sell you scrapes. Instead buy from Cigar Country, an official retail store. Here are some tips on how to avoid being ripped off on counterfeit cigars during your next cigar-buying decision. The main issues you want to avoid: overpriced and counterfeit cigars.
Counterfeit Cuban Cigars
Counterfeit Cohiba cigars, and others, in the Dominican Republic, are abundant. Most of them are easy to spot because the quality of the printing is terrible. Rips and tears are visible signs of fake Cubans. Other ways to identify are where and from whom you are buying. Respected brands DO NOT sell to businesses that do not have the proper display and climate conditions (70F/70% humidity). If the cigars are on the beach or outside in the sun on a table, they are definitely NOT ORIGINAL nor of good quality. Genuine Cuban Cohiba cigars ARE NOT sold in the DR instead you’d be buying counterfeit products. As an alternative to this product, I suggest Dominican Cohiba cigars. Avoid these traps by visiting respectable retail establishments.
Cigars in the Dominican Republic can often be overpriced. There are two reasons for this: high taxes and high margins for the retailer. There is no good excuse for overcharging. That is why we suggest you price compare online before committing to any purchase. Remember, a respectable retailer should not have to make you haggle. If the price seems too good to be true don’t fall for them, chances are it’s a counterfeit cigar. At Cigar Country, we have solved the tax issue by operating as DUTY FREE, and we only sell at the lowest possible price permitted by our brands. We guarantee the best price or your money back! Cigar Country encourages you to compare the prices you find in DR with ours and not support counterfeiters that endanger the reputation and livelihood of thousands of cigar rollers.
To avoid counterfeit cigars visit us online at Cigar Country, where our experts will be happy to answer any questions about cigars. We guarantee only originals at the best prices delivered to you directly and in the best possible conditions.
Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have via our contact form or live chat.