The most famous and respected rating of cigars is the one offered by Cigar Aficionado - not many cigars get rated 90+. They have a panel of experts who perform blind tasting and analysis on cigars. They consider four categories to determine a cigar’s rating. A maximum of 15 points for appearance and structure. Flavor and smoking experience (like the texture of smoke and quality of draw) accounts for 25 points each. The remaining 35 points are reserved for the overall impression and enjoyment of the cigar. Our collection consists of top-rated cigars from premium brands like Ashton, Davidoff, Arturo Fuente, Padron, etc.
A top 90+ rated cigar worth mentioning is Fuente Fuente OpusX Reserva d'Chateau. This cigar is a Dominican puro. It is blended from a shade-grown, Cuban-seed wrapper from the fields of Chateau de la Fuente. It was rated 93 by experts at Cigar Aficionado. Padron 1964 Anniversary Series Monarca Natural is a medium to full body box-pressed blend. It is made entirely from aged Nicaraguan tobacco leaves. It has well-balanced but complex notes of chocolate, nuts, and orange peel aroma. Ashton Virgin Sun Grown Trés Mystique is a full-bodied corona from the Ashton brand. An all-Dominican core is housed in an oily Ecuador Sumatra wrapper. It received a 94 rating from Cigar Aficionado. Davidoff Signature No. 2 is a mild Panetela classic. It features a Dominican filler Ecuadorian binder in an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. The tasting profile includes notes of wood, earth, and hints of sweetness. The above examples are to whet your appetite. Our collection is full of premium 90+ rated cigars that have been vetted by expert cigar smokers to be the la crème de la crème of hand-rolled cigars. Try them today!
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