Looking to try Honduran cigars with a sampler? Honduras may not always come to mind whenever premium cigars are mentioned like the other Latin American Islands. However, the country produces exceptional cigars too. Top-rated brands like Punch, Rocky Patel, Alec Bradley, CAO, and Camacho reside in Honduras. Honduras Samplers allow you to experience a variety of Honduras cigars produced from the vibrant tobacco leaves of Honduras. Like other samplers, they are assembled with cigars of different sizes and tastes, flavors, and strength profiles. Ordinarily, Honduras tobacco leaves are strong; they are full-bodied in strength. However, with samplers, you can experience Honduran cigars with a range of strengths and flavors that are perfect for a different moment.
The full-flavorful profile of Honduran cigars with smoothness unique to them is duly reflected. Rocky Patel can be thought of as the King of Honduras cigars. The brand is known for cigars with a phenomenal profile. Rocky Patel Honduran Cigar Sampler is a collection of 6 mouth-watering cigars in balanced, visually appealing Robusto sizes. The collection contains top blends from the brand with different wrappers. Nicaragua and Honduras fillers are utilized to give medium to full-bodied profiles with notes of espresso, leather, earth, and black pepper. Altadis Honduran Lovers Edition VII 5ct from the well-renowned Altadis U.S.A lets you experiment with five cigars from the brand's finest blends. You get to experience the greatness of Romeo y Julieta, H.Upmann, Henry Clay, the Classic La Corona, and Saint Luis Rey. The full-flavored cigars have a rich, complex flavor with stunning visuals and bold consistency. Try a Honduran cigar sampler today!
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4 Cigars
Rocky Patel Honduran Fresh Pack Toro Sampler
Pack of 4 | AssortedOriginal price was: $36.75.$33.08Current price is: $33.08.
Leaf by Oscar Valladares 4-Cigar Toro Sampler
Box of 4 | 54 x 6Original price was: $52.00.$46.80Current price is: $46.80.
Oscar Valladares Collection Edition 6-Cigar Sampler
Box of 6 | AssortedOriginal price was: $60.00.$54.00Current price is: $54.00.
Oscar Valladares Collection Edition 12-Cigar Sampler
Box of 12 | AssortedOriginal price was: $142.00.$127.80Current price is: $127.80.