Cigars should be enjoyed even with a low budget; this is where machine-made cigars come in - with anywhere between $25 and $50, you can have a good companion to help you get through the evening. Montecristo Classic Memories will truly bring you good memories. The famous brand not only makes classic handmade cigars, but their machine-made cigars are also sleek. With as low as $50, you will get a great mild to medium-bodied experience with flavors of coffee, spices, and nuts. The cigars are packaged in pocket-sized tins of 30 cigars, each with two-way humidity control Boveda packs to maintain factory standards. The cigars have Dominican fillers and binders underneath Connecticut Shade wrappers.
Romeo y Julieta always has something for Everyone. Their Romeo y Julieta 1875 Mini White Original falls in this category. They are medium-bodied machine-made cigars in 5 tins with 20 cigars in each tin. The tins come with two-way humidity control Boveda packs to maintain their freshness. These cigars have an Indonesia wrapper with Dominican tobaccos. You will get the flavor profile the brand is notable for - notes of hazelnut, cocoa, and cedar with hints of spices. La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Daiquiri Natural is another cigar with perfect construction for less than $50. They are made with sweet Cameroon wrapper, Dominican filler, and estate-grown binder. You will get complex sweet, medium-bodied smoke from the tin of 24 Petit-sized cigars. Another machine-made cigar within this price range is the Backwoods Banana. They feature Dominican tobaccos and Connecticut Broadleaf wrappers infused with banana flavor. Try any of these machine made cigars that fit within your budget of $25-$50!
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8 Cigars
Montecristo Classic Series Memories
Box of 30 | 30 x 4Original price was: $71.51.$55.16Current price is: $55.16.
Buy One Get One Free!
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Mini White Original
Box of 100 | 20 x 2 7/8Original price was: $72.05.$57.15Current price is: $57.15.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) Daiquiri Natural
Pack of 24 | 28 x 3 1/2Original price was: $43.80.$39.42Current price is: $39.42.
La Flor Dominicana Daiquiri Maduro
Pack of 24 | 28 x 3 1/2Original price was: $43.80.$39.42Current price is: $39.42.
La Flor Dominicana (LFD) El Carajon
Multiple options | 34 x 4$34.20 – $342.00
AVO Classic Puritos
Tin of 10 | 30 x 4$34.00
H. Upmann 1844 Reserve Aperitifs
Tin of 30 | 33 x 4Original price was: $70.74.$44.21Current price is: $44.21.
AVO Syncro Nicaragua Puritos
Tin of 10 | 30 x 4$25.00