There are a plethora of great cigars under 100 dollars. Think of any cigar brand you love; you will most likely find a cigar within the $50 to $100 range. Cigar companies have made this possible over the years so that you can enjoy premium smokes without breaking the bank. They all provide an experience worthy of your money. They can be found in graceful boxes of 5, 10, and even 15. These cigars should be shared and enjoyed with loved ones on special occasions. A perfect example is the Olivia Serie O Double Toro. The Ecuadorian Habano wrapped cigar with Nicaraguan binder and filler gives an earthy flavor with cedar and cocoa notes. The 90-point-rated cigar by Cigar Aficionado gives you a royal experience - all between $50 and $100.
Davidoff Aniversario Special T from the popular Davidoff cigars has all the features of greatness. The well-crafted hand-rolled cigar in a box of 4 can be enjoyed for under 100. Romeo y Julieta 1875 Churchill en Tubos, is a premium handmade Cuban Cigar that is also within this range. It provides a medium-bodied experience and, together with its perfect size, leaves you with an everlasting impression. VegaFina 1998 series cigars come in classy boxes of 10. They provide a full-flavored, medium-bodied experience. Crafted with an Ecuadorian wrapper, the premium cigars can be enjoyed for less than $100. Padron cigars have an admirable reputation. This is also mirrored in the Padron 1964 Anniversary Exclusivo Maduro. The 5-packed cigar with Sun-grown Maduro wrapper gives a medium to full-bodied experience. Despite being rated a 93-point by Cigar Aficionado, the hand-rolled cigar can be enjoyed without going out of budget. Try any cigars between $50 to $100 on this list!
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233 Cigars
Customizable VegaFina 1998 VF 52
Multiple options | 52 x 5 1/3$101.70 – $249.15
Crowned Heads Las Calaveras Edicion Limitada 2023 4-Cigar Sampler
Pack of 4 | Assorted$54.95
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua Clemenceau en Tubo
Box of 10 | 50 x 6Original price was: $109.67.$76.23Current price is: $76.23.
Joya de Nicaragua Cuatro Cinco Reserva Especial Sampler
Pack of 5 | AssortedOriginal price was: $83.25.$54.11Current price is: $54.11.
Joya de Nicaragua Seleccion Robusto Assortment
Pack of 6 | AssortedOriginal price was: $48.15.$31.29Current price is: $31.29.
Casa Magna Colorado Lancero
Box of 7 | 40 x 7Original price was: $98.00.$88.20Current price is: $88.20.
Vegafina 1998 VF 44S
Box of 10 | 44 x 3 7/8Original price was: $70.00.$63.00Current price is: $63.00.
VegaFina 1998 Vintage 1 VF 42L
Box of 10 | 42 x 7 1/3Original price was: $100.00.$90.00Current price is: $90.00.
H. Upmann by AJ Fernandez 6-Cigar Sampler
Box of 6 | AssortedOriginal price was: $62.44.$56.20Current price is: $56.20.
Romeo y Julieta Reserve Churchill
Box of 27 | 54 x 7Original price was: $300.26.$270.23Current price is: $270.23.
Factory Smokes Maduro Robusto
Box of 25 | 54 x 5Original price was: $53.50.$43.87Current price is: $43.87.
Factory Smokes Maduro Toro
Box of 25 | 52 x 6Original price was: $58.50.$47.97Current price is: $47.97.
Factory Smokes Shade Robusto
Box of 25 | 54 x 5Original price was: $53.50.$43.87Current price is: $43.87.
Factory Smokes Shade Toro
Box of 25 | 52 x 6Original price was: $58.50.$47.97Current price is: $47.97.
Factory Smokes Sun Grown Robusto
Box of 25 | 54 x 5Original price was: $53.50.$43.87Current price is: $43.87.
Factory Smokes Sun Grown Toro
Box of 25 | 52 x 6Original price was: $58.50.$47.97Current price is: $47.97.
Isla del Sol Maduro Robusto
Box of 10 | 52 x 5Original price was: $57.50.$47.15Current price is: $47.15.
Isla del Sol Maduro Toro
Box of 10 | 52 x 6Original price was: $60.00.$49.20Current price is: $49.20.
Isla del Sol Sun Grown Robusto
Box of 20 | 52 x 5Original price was: $115.00.$94.30Current price is: $94.30.
Isla del Sol Sun Grown Toro
Box of 20 | 52 x 6Original price was: $120.00.$98.40Current price is: $98.40.
Plasencia Reserva Original Robusto
Box of 10 | 52 x 4 3/4Original price was: $95.00.$85.50Current price is: $85.50.
Plasencia Reserva Original Toro
Box of 10 | 50 x 6Original price was: $108.00.$97.20Current price is: $97.20.
La Aurora Anniversary Edition Sampler Pack
Box of 5 | 50 x 5$50.40
VegaFina Classic Super Robusto Supremo Ed. 24
Box of 12 | 50 x 5$69.12
Don Lucas H.S. Angelito
Box of 25 | 30 x 5$58.50
Isla del Sol Sun Grown Gran Corona
Box of 20 | 44 x 5Original price was: $105.00.$86.10Current price is: $86.10.
Isla del Sol Maduro Gran Corona
Box of 10 | 44 x 5Original price was: $52.50.$43.05Current price is: $43.05.
Isla del Sol Maduro Churchill
Box of 10 | 50 x 7Original price was: $65.00.$53.30Current price is: $53.30.
Factory Smokes Shade Gordito
Box of 25 | 60 x 6Original price was: $71.00.$58.22Current price is: $58.22.
Factory Smokes Shade Churchill
Box of 25 | 50 x 7Original price was: $63.50.$52.07Current price is: $52.07.
Factory Smokes Sun Grown Gordito
Box of 25 | 60 x 6Original price was: $71.00.$58.22Current price is: $58.22.
Factory Smokes Sun Grown Churchill
Box of 25 | 50 x 7Original price was: $63.50.$52.07Current price is: $52.07.
Factory Smokes Maduro Gordito
Box of 25 | 60 x 6Original price was: $71.00.$58.22Current price is: $58.22.
Factory Smokes Maduro Churchill
Box of 25 | 50 x 7Original price was: $63.50.$52.07Current price is: $52.07.
Tabak Especial Dulce Corona
Box of 12 | 46 x 4 3/4Original price was: $83.52.$65.15Current price is: $65.15.
Tabak Especial Dulce Robusto
Box of 12 | 54 x 5Original price was: $91.35.$71.25Current price is: $71.25.
Tabak Especial Dulce Toro
Box of 12 | 52 x 6Original price was: $91.35.$71.25Current price is: $71.25.
Tabak Especial Dulce Gordito
Box of 10 | 60 x 6Original price was: $80.91.$63.11Current price is: $63.11.
Tabak Especial Negra Corona
Box of 12 | 46 x 4 3/4Original price was: $83.52.$65.15Current price is: $65.15.
Tabak Especial Negra Robusto
Box of 12 | 54 x 5Original price was: $91.35.$71.25Current price is: $71.25.