Cigars packed in tins are called Cigarillos, small, mini, or little cigars. Cigarillos are the smaller version of cigars. They, however, contain the same blend but with a different taste and flavor profile than their bigger cousins. Cigarillos are usually less than 5 inches in length with a ring gauge of less than 40. These cigars come in various flavors; perhaps they have the widest flavor profile amongst cigars. This is why they are so common and loved among young smokers. They are mostly machine-made with the same filler and wrapper as the big cigars. Also, they are usually non-humidified (dry-cured). A considerable number of them are also hand-rolled and require humidification. Most of them have closed caps, so a cigar cutter is required.
The compact tin package makes them portable and easy to carry around. You could easily pop one out while waiting to be picked up at the airport. You will find cigarillos packaged in tins with almost all premium brands with a handmade cigar portfolio. Brands such as Ashton, Arturo Fuente, Davidoff, and Padron are well-known for this packaging. Ashton Small Cigars are filled with Cameroonian, Dominican, and Connecticut tobaccos and made in 4 lovely sizes; Cigarillos (3.75 × 26), Senoritas (3.5 × 30), Mini Cigarillos (3.25 x 20), and Half Corona (4.125 x 37). Macanudo Cafe Ascots are premium cigarillos with mild-body strength that come in classy tins of 10. They are made with Dominican and Mexican fillers dressed in Connecticut Shade wrappers. They deliver excellence with every puff.
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