Premium handmade cigars are sold in various packaging formats, including Packs, Tins, Boxes, Bundles, and Samplers. The cigar box is the most commonly produced by manufacturers. Cigar boxes usually contain 10-25 sticks of the same brand, blend, and size. We recommend buying an entire box of the same cigars only if you've already determined you like it or will be sharing it with friends.
Cigar packs are available in 5 packs and 10 packs. These are great for trying out a cigar you are unfamiliar with while not committing to a big cigar box purchase. Factories make packs in thin pocket-sized cardboard boxes. Cigar samplers are another form of cigar pack. A cigar sampler pack contains an assortment of different cigars to test out. Each cigar in a sampler pack may vary in brand, blend, strength, and size. Cigar Country offers packs in airtight bags with Boveda humidity control pouches.
Cigar tins are most commonly used for small cigars and cigarillos. A tin of cigars can contain 5-10-20 sticks depending on the size format. Cigar tins are made to fit in your shirt pocket and are handy when you want to grab a quick smoke. Many manufacturers also offer cigar bundles. Like most luxury products, a large portion of the cost is cigar packaging materials. You can lower the price if you remove the cigar box and package it in cellophane bundles. Cigar bundles come in packs of 5-10-20-25 sticks and are often associated with lower-cost cigars.
Whether you are looking for cigar boxes, packs, tins, bundles, or samplers, Cigar Country has the perfect packaging to suit your needs. Please browse through our complete portfolio and take advantage of our great deals today! Explore all of our handmade cigars! You may also return to the homepage.
2954 Cigars
Perdomo 30th Anniversary Sun Grown Epicure
Box of 30 | 54 x 6Original price was: $375.00.$337.50Current price is: $337.50.
Perdomo 30th Anniversary Sun Grown Churchill
Box of 30 | 54 x 7Original price was: $390.00.$351.00Current price is: $351.00.
Perdomo 30th Anniversary Sun Grown Gordo
Box of 24 | 60 x 6Original price was: $405.00.$364.50Current price is: $364.50.
The Tabernacle Knight Commander Perfecto
Box of 12 | 52 x 6 3/4$480.00
Aksum Claro Doble Corona
Box of 10 | 54 x 7Original price was: $180.00.$162.00Current price is: $162.00.
Charter Oak Connecticut Shade Rothschild
Box of 20 | 50 x 4 1/4Original price was: $128.00.$115.20Current price is: $115.20.
Charter Oak Connecticut Shade Toro
Box of 20 | 60 x 6Original price was: $140.00.$126.00Current price is: $126.00.
Charter Oak Maduro Rothschild
Box of 20 | 50 x 4 1/4Original price was: $128.00.$115.20Current price is: $115.20.
Charter Oak Maduro Toro
Box of 20 | 52 x 6Original price was: $140.00.$126.00Current price is: $126.00.
Charter Oak Maduro Grande
Box of 20 | 60 x 6Original price was: $146.00.$131.40Current price is: $131.40.
Charter Oak Habano Rothschild
Box of 20 | 50 x 4 1/4Original price was: $128.00.$115.20Current price is: $115.20.
Charter Oak Habano Toro
Box of 20 | 52 x 6Original price was: $140.00.$126.00Current price is: $126.00.
Charter Oak Habano Grande
Box of 20 | 60 x 6Original price was: $146.00.$131.40Current price is: $131.40.
Charter Oak Especiales Pegnataro
Box of 12 | 48 x 5 1/2Original price was: $156.00.$140.40Current price is: $140.40.
Charter Oak Especiales Pasquale
Box of 12 | 48 x 5 1/2Original price was: $156.00.$140.40Current price is: $140.40.
Isla del Sol Sun Grown Gran Corona
Box of 20 | 44 x 5Original price was: $105.00.$86.10Current price is: $86.10.
Isla del Sol Sun Grown Gordito
Box of 16 | 60 x 6Original price was: $112.00.$91.84Current price is: $91.84.
Isla del Sol Sun Grown Churchill
Box of 20 | 50 x 7Original price was: $130.00.$106.60Current price is: $106.60.
Isla del Sol Maduro Gran Corona
Box of 10 | 44 x 5Original price was: $52.50.$43.05Current price is: $43.05.
Isla del Sol Maduro Churchill
Box of 10 | 50 x 7Original price was: $65.00.$53.30Current price is: $53.30.
Factory Smokes Sweet Belicoso
Box of 20 | 54 x 6Original price was: $63.60.$52.15Current price is: $52.15.
Factory Smokes Sweet Churchill
Box of 20 | 50 x 7Original price was: $61.20.$50.18Current price is: $50.18.
Factory Smokes Shade Gordito
Box of 25 | 60 x 6Original price was: $71.00.$58.22Current price is: $58.22.
Factory Smokes Shade Churchill
Box of 25 | 50 x 7Original price was: $63.50.$52.07Current price is: $52.07.
Factory Smokes Sun Grown Gordito
Box of 25 | 60 x 6Original price was: $71.00.$58.22Current price is: $58.22.
Factory Smokes Sun Grown Churchill
Box of 25 | 50 x 7Original price was: $63.50.$52.07Current price is: $52.07.
Factory Smokes Maduro Gordito
Box of 25 | 60 x 6Original price was: $71.00.$58.22Current price is: $58.22.
Factory Smokes Maduro Churchill
Box of 25 | 50 x 7Original price was: $63.50.$52.07Current price is: $52.07.
Tabak Especial Dulce Corona
Box of 12 | 46 x 4 3/4Original price was: $83.52.$65.15Current price is: $65.15.
Tabak Especial Dulce Robusto
Box of 12 | 54 x 5Original price was: $91.35.$71.25Current price is: $71.25.
Tabak Especial Dulce Toro
Box of 12 | 52 x 6Original price was: $91.35.$71.25Current price is: $71.25.
Tabak Especial Negra Corona
Box of 12 | 46 x 4 3/4Original price was: $83.52.$65.15Current price is: $65.15.
Tabak Especial Negra Robusto
Box of 12 | 54 x 5Original price was: $91.35.$71.25Current price is: $71.25.
Tabak Especial Negra Toro
Box of 10 | 52 x 6Original price was: $91.35.$71.25Current price is: $71.25.
Tabak Especial Negra Gordito
Box of 10 | 60 x 6Original price was: $80.91.$63.11Current price is: $63.11.
Tabak Especial Special Edition Toraja
Box of 12 | 54 x 5Original price was: $99.18.$77.36Current price is: $77.36.
Tatuaje Nuevitas Torpedo
Box of 10Original price was: $90.00.$81.00Current price is: $81.00.
Tatuaje RC No. 3 Toro
Box of 10 | 56 x 6 1/2Original price was: $137.36.$123.62Current price is: $123.62.
Tatuaje Cabaiguan No. 52 Petite
Box of 25 | 52 x 4 3/8Original price was: $225.00.$202.50Current price is: $202.50.
Tatuaje 20th Anniversary Grande Merveille
Box of 25 | 46 x 6 1/8Original price was: $325.00.$292.50Current price is: $292.50.