Cigars are sometimes packaged as combos; these are made up of cigars from different brands and sometimes different shapes and sizes. Combos can be packed in bundles, boxes, or packs. Cigar combos are generally cost-effective means of trying out a variety of cigars without breaking the bank. You get to experience cigars with different strengths and tastes. What more could a seasoned cigar smoker want? The chance to try out all your favorite cigars from the brands you cherish the most in one pack. And for novice smokers? You get to taste cigars from various brands and choose the one that suits your palate the most.
The Iconic Brand Assortment is a good example of cigar combos that provides you with an evergreen experience. The combo contains cigars from three iconic brands - Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, and H.Upmann. Packed in an elegant box with nine Toros; three from each brand with different blends. Best of the Best Essential Dominican Cigar Assortment from our stable is an essential combo that brings the best of DR cigars close to you. It is made up of 12 premium Toro cigars from 12 incredible brands. If you are a lover of DR cigars, this box is for you. Still bringing you the best of DR, the Dominican Heritage Toro Assortment features the best blends from Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, VegaFina, and H.Upmann.
Be prepared to have a fantastic experience with our best-selling cigar combos when you visit our store. Check out all other forms of packaging. Explore all of our handmade cigars! You may also return to the homepage.