These are cigars produced entirely in Cuba. Cuban cigars and brands are taunted as the very best cigars pound for pound. They are made from quality Cuban-grown tobacco hand-rolled by highly skilled Torcedores. “El Habano,” as they are famously called, is the fantasy of every cigar smoker. Although, since the embargo on Cuban goods in the 1960s, importation into the United States has been banned. What makes them so coveted? Cuban cigars are puros— every material used in the production (filler, binder, and wrapper) is sourced from the island. Pinar del Rio province, Vuelta Abajo, and Semi Vuelta, Viñales are some regions where these tobaccos are grown. The soil and weather in Cuba highly favor the growth of these premium tobaccos.
Cigar production is controlled entirely by the Government—through Cubatabaco. The distribution of Cuban cigars is handled by Habanos S.A., which sells the 27 major brands, including Cohiba, Hoyo de Monterrey, H. Upmann, Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, and Partagas. These cigars have a global reputation. This is because of their strong flavor profile, resulting from the soil they are grown in. Cuban cigars tend to have a strong raw, earthy taste with hints of spice. The taste profile varies from one brand to another. Bolivars are more earthy with some toast, cocoa, and wood hints. Partagas rinse your palate in spices of pepper and leathery notes. Bolivars Belicosos Finos Reserva Cosecha, Partagas Legados Edición Limitada, and the Cohiba Piramides Edicion Limitadas are some cigars that embody the Cuban taste and culture. However, cigars from Cuba are incredibly hard to come by!
We've been in the business long enough and have tried cigars from ALL origins to know that "Cuban Cigars" being the indisputable best is just a myth. There are many Dominican and Nicaraguan Cigars that are just as good or better. Those we have for you and can ship anywhere today!
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