At Cigar Country, we reward our customers with exciting offers and mouthwatering last chance deals. We hope this will help build loyalty among our customers while increasing your access to those premium cigars you love. Packages, boxes of cigars, and samplers are all subjected to discounts by the team. However, these deals are only available for a limited period. We review and refresh the discounts periodically. Now is the time to take action on a piece you have been eyeing for a while.
With only a few left in stock, you should not miss out on the amazing $28 price of the Padron Thousand series experience with the Padron Series 2000 Maduro. This medium-full-bodied cigar is a true Nicaraguan puro. The wrapper, binder, and fillers were all grown, aged, and rolled in the Caribbean country. Rich notes of chocolate, cocoa aromas, and nuts bless your palate as you smoke one of these stogies. We also offer a time-limited 10% discount on the VegaFina 1998 VF54. This brings the price down to a mere $90. This medium-bodied cigar has a ring gauge of 54 and 6 whopping inches. Ecuadorian wrappers house a mixture of carefully aged Indonesian binders and long-fillers from the DR, Nicaragua, and Columbia. The blend gives you a rich flavor of nuts, molasses, and hints of spices.
Want to enjoy fantastic premium cigars on a budget? Browse through our amazing deals to discover the best value for money. And remember, the offers are available only for a limited period, so take action. While you're here, check out all of the deals available at Cigar Country. Then, explore our vast array of handmade cigars. Lastly, return to the homepage.