A cigar ashtray’s function doesn’t limit its price to just a few bucks. Their pricing range is determined by the brand, quality of raw materials used, durability, size, number of cigar rests, and overall aesthetics. Ashtrays can be as low as $25 or less to as high as $150 and above. The price range is wide, and the offers are limitless. An example of a durable and less expensive ashtray is the Ashton Black Small Ashtray from the notable Ashton cigars. The black ceramic ashtray is stylish and easy to maintain. It is stout with 3 cigar rests that can accommodate any cigar size. It measures about 6"¾ inches in length and 2 inches in height. If you are a fan of good packaging, this may be a good choice as it comes in a gift box. Its overall look and design are perfect for decorating your smoking room.
Going above the $25 price mark is the Original Stinky Cigar Ashtray. The stainless steel bowl has great architecture. Its use is not limited to holding your cigar ashes; it can also hold your cigar butts and stubs, cigar bands, and even your matches making your environment neat and classy. Its great height and deep interior of 3"¾ inches and large diameter of 8 inches aid these functions. It also has a windproof feature that will let it float in a pool; this is a good choice for a pool party, coupled with its 4 cigar rest that is shareable with friends.
No matter your budget, you can get classy ashtrays from our accessories collection. While you're here, check out all of the cigar accessories available at Cigar Country. Then, explore our vast array of handmade cigars. Lastly, you may return to the homepage.