Tatuaje Skinny Monsters is a line of premium cigars created by renowned cigar maker Pete Johnson. The name of the cigars is a nod to the monster-themed labels, as well as the slender, slender vitola of the cigar. The Skinny Monsters are known for their intense flavor and smooth, satisfying smoke. The Tatuaje Skinny Monsters are made with a blend of Nicaraguan tobacco and varied wrappers. These cigars all come in the same Lonsdale/Panatela size 6" x 38, however, they all come in different blends. Each "blend" is packaged in boxes of 25 and features the distinctive Tatuaje label with a monster design. Browse our collection today to get a taste of these intensely flavorful smokes.
This line includes Frank, Drac, Face, Wolf, Mummy, Jason, Jekyll, Hyde, Chuck, and Tiff. In addition to their bold flavor, the Tatuaje Skinny Monsters are known for their excellent construction. The cigars are well-made and burn evenly, producing a smooth, consistent smoke. The slender vitola of the cigar allows for a comfortable, easy draw, and the flavors are well-balanced and satisfying. The Monsters are an excellent choice for experienced cigar smokers looking for bold, full-flavored smoke with a fun theme. The rich, complex flavor and smooth, satisfying smoke make these cigars a joy to smoke. Whether you're enjoying a relaxing evening at home or out on the town, the Tatuaje Skinny Monsters are a great choice.
Unique Blend Attributes: Tatuaje Skinny Monsters are inspired by classic horror movie characters.
Strength Profile: Assorted.
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "The cigars offer spice, earth, and leather notes, with a hint of sweetness on the finish."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado has awarded multiple 85+ point ratings to Tatuaje Skinny Monsters cigars.
Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blender: Don Pepin & Pete Johnson
Owners: Tatuaje Cigars Inc.
You should also try Tatuaje Havana VI. Explore all blends by the brand! Lastly, you may also explore all Premium Cigar Samplers or return to the homepage.12 Cigars
Tatuaje Skinny Monsters Frank
Box of 25 | 38 x 6Original price was: $225.00.$202.50Current price is: $202.50.
Tatuaje Skinny Monsters Drac
Box of 25 | 38 x 6Original price was: $225.00.$202.50Current price is: $202.50.
Tatuaje Skinny Monsters Face
Box of 25 | 38 x 6Original price was: $225.00.$202.50Current price is: $202.50.
Tatuaje Skinny Monsters Wolf
Box of 25 | 38 x 6Original price was: $225.00.$202.50Current price is: $202.50.
Tatuaje Skinny Monsters Mummy
Box of 25 | 38 x 6Original price was: $225.00.$202.50Current price is: $202.50.
Tatuaje Skinny Monsters Jason
Box of 25 | 38 x 6Original price was: $225.00.$202.50Current price is: $202.50.
Tatuaje Skinny Monsters Jekyll
Box of 25 | 38 x 6Original price was: $225.00.$202.50Current price is: $202.50.
Tatuaje Skinny Monsters Hyde
Box of 25 | 38 x 6Original price was: $225.00.$202.50Current price is: $202.50.
Tatuaje Skinny Monsters Chuck
Box of 25 | 38 x 6Original price was: $225.00.$202.50Current price is: $202.50.
Tatuaje Skinny Monsters Tiff
Box of 25 | 38 x 6Original price was: $225.00.$202.50Current price is: $202.50.
Tatuaje Skinny Monsters Cazadores Sampler
Box of 10 | 43 x 6 3/8Original price was: $95.00.$85.50Current price is: $85.50.
Tatuaje Skinny Monsters Lanceros Sampler
Box of 10 | 38 x 7 1/2Original price was: $100.00.$90.00Current price is: $90.00.