Tatuaje Samplers are the best way to try the premium cigars created by renowned cigar maker Pete Johnson. The sampler packs include a variety of Tatuaje's most popular and sought-after cigars, offering cigar enthusiasts the opportunity to try a range of flavors and sizes from the brand. Shop for a Tatuaje cigar sampler today!
The award-winning Tatuaje Cigars are manufactured either at the Tabacalera Cubana S.A. (TACUBA) in the Esteli region of Nicaragua or at their El Rey de Los Habanos factory in Miami. With a vision to create a boutique cigar brand that caters to the palate of modern cigar smokers, owner Pete Johnson sought out legendary cigar blender Don ‘Pepin’ Garcia. The result is several lines of premium hand-rolled cigars consistently receiving 90+ ratings from Cigar Aficionado. The core of most cigars is from Nicaraguan Cuban-seed tobaccos enveloped in either a beautiful Ecuador Habano wrapper or a luscious Connecticut Broadleaf. The brand is named after the Spanish word for “tattoo,” a node to the number of inks on the body of owner Pete Johnson. These cigars are famous for their consistency in taste and construction. The artistry of the torcedores reflects in the sturdiness of the stories. You will not find weak spots in any sampler of Tatuaje cigars for sale. Buy Tatuaje (Tattoo) cigar samplers online!
Strength Profile: Assorted
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "Tatuaje & L'Atelier cigars feature flavor profiles that no other brand can replicate."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado has awarded Tatuaje cigars multiple 90+ point ratings.Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blender: Don Pepin & Pete Johnson
Owners: Tatuaje Cigars Inc.
You should also try Tatuaje Cabaiguan! Explore all blends by the brand! If you would like to browse other assortments, you may go to Premium Cigar Samplers. Lastly, you may also return to the homepage.
8 Cigars
Tatuaje Skinny Monsters Cazadores Sampler
Box of 10 | 43 x 6 3/8Original price was: $95.00.$85.50Current price is: $85.50.
Tatuaje Skinny Monsters Lanceros Sampler
Box of 10 | 38 x 7 1/2Original price was: $100.00.$90.00Current price is: $90.00.
Tatuaje Limited Lancero Collection Sampler
Box of 10 | 38 x 7 1/2Original price was: $100.00.$90.00Current price is: $90.00.
Tatuaje Colecciones del Rey Belicoso Sampler
Box of 6 | 52 x 5 1/2Original price was: $60.00.$54.00Current price is: $54.00.
Tatuaje Colecciones Robusto Exclusivos Sampler
Box of 6 | 50 x 5Original price was: $54.00.$48.60Current price is: $48.60.
Surrogates 6 Pack Sampler
Box of 6 | 50 x 5Original price was: $54.00.$48.60Current price is: $48.60.
Tatuaje Black Toro Fresh Pack 5-Cigar Sampler
Multiple options | 50 x 6$33.75 – $168.75
Tatuaje Red Toro Fresh Pack 5-Cigar Sampler
Multiple options | 50 x 6$33.75 – $168.75