Tatuaje 20th Anniversary is a line of premium medium-bodied cigars created by renowned cigar maker Pete Johnson. The cigars are made with a blend of Nicaraguan tobacco for the filler, a Nicaraguan double binder and a beautiful Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. They were created to celebrate the brand's 20th anniversary! It has a selection of tobacco similar to the Seleccion de Cazador line but with its own twist. There are two sizes available, both Parejos. Shop now!
These sticks are hand-rolled at the My Father SA factory in Nicaragua. They carry rings similar to the 10th and 15th anniversary editions, but in black and gold. They come in counts of 25 in classy black wooden boxes with gold detailing. Tatuaje cigars are spectacular and memorable. All of the blends they have released have received incredible ratings and been known worldwide. It's definitely a brand worth celebrating! Enjoy their anniversary and buy a box of Tatuaje 20th Anniversary cigars today!
Unique Blend Attributes: This blend celebrates 20 years of Tatuaje!
Strength Profile: Medium
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "Peppery notes are accompanied by flavors of aged wood, fresh herbs, and roasted nuts."
Accolades: Halfwheel awarded Tatuaje RC Series cigars a 90-point rating.
Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blender: Pete Johnson
Owners: Tatuaje Cigars Inc.
You should also try Tatuaje El Triunfador. Explore all blends by the brand! Lastly, you may explore other medium-bodied blends or return to the homepage.