L'Atelier Trocadero is a line of premium cigars created by renowned cigar makers Pete Johnson but blended by the Garcia family. The cigars are made with a blend of Nicaraguan tobacco for the filler and binder and a beautiful Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. This combination of premium tobaccos creates a rich, complex flavor profile that is mild to medium-bodied and well-balanced. The L'Atelier Trocadéro cigars come in three sizes: The Cambon, which measures 5 1/4" x 52; The Honore, 5 3/4" x 56; and The Montaigne, 6 1/4" x 60. Each size is packaged in boxes of 20 and features the distinctive Trocadéro band with a sleek red, cream, black and white design.
In addition to the flavorful pack, the Trocadéro cigars are known for their excellent construction. This gives the cigars a consistent structure with no soft area and burns evenly, producing a smooth, consistent smoke. The cigar flavors are well-balanced and satisfying, with notes of spice, earth, and leather and a hint of sweetness on the finish. L'Atelier also committed to making Trocadero cigars some of their most affordable sticks so any cigar aficionado can have access to them. Whether you're enjoying a relaxing evening on your porch or out at the casino, the Trocadéro cigars are a great choice. Shop now for L'Atelier Trocadero cigars!
Unique Blend Attributes: L'Atelier Trocadero cigars all come in bundles instead of boxes.
Strength Profile: Mild to medium
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "The oily Ecuadorian Habano wrapper adds a layer of spice while still maintaining the mellow, smooth taste."
Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blender: Don Pepin & Pete Johnson
Owners: Tatuaje Cigars Inc.
You should also try El Suelo. Explore all blends by the brand! Lastly, you may explore other mild to medium-bodied blends or return to the homepage.
4 Cigars
L’Atelier Trocadero Cambon
Bundle of 20 | 52 x 5 1/4Original price was: $80.00.$72.00Current price is: $72.00.
L’Atelier Trocadero Honore
Bundle of 20 | 56 x 5 3/4Original price was: $90.00.$81.00Current price is: $81.00.
L’Atelier Trocadero Montaigne
Bundle of 20 | 60 x 6 1/4Original price was: $100.64.$90.58Current price is: $90.58.
L’Atelier Trocadero Ruelles
Multiple options | 38 x 4 1/2$15.70 – $157.50