L'Atelier Selection Speciale is a line of premium cigars curated by renowned cigar makers Pete Johnson and the Garcia family. While most people are familiar with the more common Tatuaje cigars, L’Atelier is the experimental arm of Pete’s portfolio, where he produces less traditional cigars. The cigars are made with a blend of Nicaraguan tobacco for the filler and binder and higher priming darker Ecuadorian Sancti Spiritus wrapper. This combination of premium tobaccos creates a rich, complex flavor profile that is full-bodied and well-balanced. L'Atelier Selection Speciale comes in several distinct sizes and shapes: LAT52 SS (4 3/4" x 52), LAT54 SS (5 5/8" x 54), and LAT56 (6 1/2" x 56).
Each size is packaged in boxes of 15 and features the distinctive L'Atelier Selection Speciale band with a sleek, black, green, and white design. They're hand-rolled at the My Father Cigars factory in Nicaragua under the supervision of the Garcia family. In addition to their bold flavor, these cigars are known for their excellent construction. The darker wrapper provides a full-flavored and robust smoke while still keeping it full-bodied. Browse our collection to get immersed into the creative world of L'Atelier Selection Speciale cigars!
Unique Blend Attributes: Originally, it was created as a sister entity to Tatuaje but eventually was added under the Tatuaje umbrella.
Strength Profile: Full
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "Flavors of crushed red pepper, licorice, anise, and truffle are present. A wonderful post-dinner smoke."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded multiple 90+ point ratings to L'Atelier Selection Speciale cigars.Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blender: Don Pepin & Pete Johnson
Owners: Tatuaje Cigars Inc.
You should also try La Mission L'Atelier. Explore all blends by the brand! Lastly, you may explore other full-bodied blends or return to the homepage.
3 Cigars
L’Atelier LAT52 Selection Speciale
Box of 15 | 52 x 4 3/4Original price was: $135.00.$121.50Current price is: $121.50.
L’Atelier LAT54 Selection Speciale
Box of 15 | 54 x 5 5/8Original price was: $150.00.$135.00Current price is: $135.00.
L’Atelier LAT56 Selection Speciale
Box of 15 | 56 x 6 1/2Original price was: $165.00.$148.50Current price is: $148.50.