La Mission du L'Atelier line of premium cigars was the brain-child of renowned cigar makers Pete Johnson and the Garcia family. While most are familiar with the more common Tatuajes, L’Atelier is the experimental arm of Pete’s portfolio, where he produces less traditional cigars. These cigars are made with a blend of Sancti Spiritus Nicaraguan tobacco for the filler and binder and a beautiful Maduro Mexican San Andrés wrapper. This combination of premium tobaccos creates a rich, complex flavor profile that is medium to full-bodied and well-balanced.
La Mission du L'Atelier cigars come in four sizes: 1959, which measures 4 3/4 x 52"; 1989, 5 5/8" x 54; 1999, 5 5/8" x 46; and 2009, 6 1/2" x 56. Each cigar represents a year where an achievement was accomplished by Chateau La Mission winery. They feature the distinctive La Mission band with a bold red design, box-pressing, and a pig-tailed cap. Hand-rolled at the Garcia factory in Nicaragua, these gems are a must-try for every cigar aficionado. Grab a glass of wine and enjoy a La Mission L'Atelier cigar today!
Unique Blend Attributes: The name is inspired by Chateau La Mission winery.
Strength Profile: Medium to full
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "You can taste notes of caramel, cracked black pepper, and black volcanic salt. A truly delicious cigar."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded multiple 90+ point ratings to La Mission L'Atelier cigars.Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blender: Don Pepin & Pete Johnson
Owners: Tatuaje Cigars Inc.
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4 Cigars
La Mission du L’Atelier 1959
Box of 18 | 52 x 4 3/4Original price was: $162.00.$145.80Current price is: $145.80.
La Mission du L’Atelier 1989
Box of 18 | 54 x 5 5/8Original price was: $180.00.$162.00Current price is: $162.00.
La Mission du L’Atelier 1999
Box of 18 | 46 x 5 5/8Original price was: $171.00.$153.90Current price is: $153.90.
La Mission du L’Atelier 2009
Box of 18 | 56 x 6 1/2Original price was: $198.00.$178.20Current price is: $178.20.