Romeo y Julieta Limited Edition cigars offer smokers the chance to indulge in special blends. These exclusive releases are produced in limited quantities, making them highly sought-after collector's items. Romeo and Juliet presents a unique flavor profile with each limited-edition cigar. Handcrafted usually in Nicaragua or the Dominican Republic, each of these cigars has its own backstory and experience. All of these cigars are incredibly hard to find, so buy a box while you get the chance!
The Romeo y Julieta Cigars brand name was inspired by Shakespeare’s famous love story Romeo and Julieta. This legendary cigar is a true staple in any smoker's humidor. Originally founded in 1875, today, the brand is one of the best-selling handmade premium cigars in the world. Sir Winston Churchill loved this brand's cigars. As a result, Romeo y Julieta renamed the signature size Churchill in his honor. Romeo and Juliet cigars offer a wide range of blends and sizes. Blend flavor profiles vary from creamy-smooth and mild to full and bold. However, with limited edition blends, you'll experience unique smokes!
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Romeo y Julieta cigars with many 90+ point ratings, limited edition ones included!
Master Blenders: Grupo de Maestros
Owners: Altadis USA
You should also try 1875 by Romeo. You can also explore all blends by visiting Romeo y Julieta Cigars. Lastly, you may explore all rare cigars or return to the homepage.
6 Cigars
Romeo y Julieta Envy Amulet
Box of 11 | 55 x 6Original price was: $192.50.$173.25Current price is: $173.25.
Romeo y Julieta Media Noche Toro
Box of 20 | 52 x 6Original price was: $195.00.$175.50Current price is: $175.50.
Romeo y Julieta Media Noche Robusto
Box of 20 | 54 x 5Original price was: $185.00.$166.50Current price is: $166.50.
Romeo y Julieta Book of Love Toro
Box of 10 | 52 x 6Original price was: $130.00.$117.00Current price is: $117.00.
Romeo y Julieta Eternal Toro
Box of 11 | 54 x 6Original price was: $165.00.$148.50Current price is: $148.50.
Romeo y Julieta 1875 Vintage Double Corona
Box of 10 | 48 x 6 3/4$144.00