Rocky Patel Hamlet 2020 cigars are a true masterpiece, artfully crafted by the Cuban Master of Tobacco, Hamlet Paredes. This medium-bodied blend boasts a captivating combination of an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, a Honduran binder, and a carefully selected blend of Honduran and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos. As the fourth collaboration between Rocky Patel and the legendary Hamlet Paredes, this blend surpasses its predecessors, delivering an experience that is truly unparalleled. Hand-rolled with precision in Nicaragua at the esteemed Tabacalera Villa Cuba S.A, every aspect of the Hamlet 2020 showcases the expertise and passion of its creators. Hamlet Paredes' touch is evident in every draw, as the cigars enchant the senses with a perfect balance of flavors and complexity.
From the first touch of the Ecuadorian Habano wrapper to the final puff of the Honduran and Nicaraguan filler tobaccos, this cigar promises to deliver an extraordinary smoking experience. Indulge in the excellence of Rocky Patel Hamlet 2020 and elevate your cigar collection to new heights. Don't miss the chance to savor this exceptional blend, as it represents the pinnacle of craftsmanship and artistry in the world of premium cigars. Buy now and immerse yourself in the magic of Hamlet Paredes' expertise and Rocky Patel's commitment to quality.
Unique Blend Attributes: Rocky Patel Hamlet 2020 is the fourth collaboration between Rocky Patel and Hamlet Paredes.
Strength Profile: Medium
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "A gorgeous cigar with a mocha-colored wrapper. You can taste notes of espresso, spice, and dark chocolate."
Accolades: Halfwheel awarded Rocky Patel Hamlet 2020 cigars an 85-point rating.
Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blender: Rocky Patel &. Hamlet Paredes
Owners: Rocky Patel Premium Cigars
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3 Cigars
Rocky Patel Hamlet 2020 Robusto
Box of 20 | 50 x 5 1/2Original price was: $221.00.$198.90Current price is: $198.90.
Rocky Patel Hamlet 2020 Toro
Box of 20 | 52 x 6 1/2Original price was: $242.00.$217.80Current price is: $217.80.
Rocky Patel Hamlet 2020 Gordo
Box of 20 | 60 x 6Original price was: $263.00.$236.70Current price is: $236.70.