La Gloria Cubana cigars are a celebrated name in the world of premium cigars, renowned for their rich history, exquisite craftsmanship, and memorable smoking experiences. Originating in Cuba in 1885, the brand has a storied legacy that has transcended borders and captivated cigar enthusiasts worldwide. Today, these cigars are primarily produced in the Dominican Republic, where their meticulous creation remains a testament to time-honored traditions. The brand offers a diverse range of blends, each known for its distinctive flavor profiles and impeccable construction.
One of their most iconic offerings is the Serie R, celebrated for its bold and full-bodied character. These cigars are crafted with a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, creating a robust smoking experience with hints of earthiness, spices, and espresso. For those seeking a milder option, it offers the Classic series, featuring a Connecticut Shade wrapper and Dominican binder and filler. This blend delivers a smoother, creamier smoke with notes of cedar, nuts, and a subtle sweetness. La Gloria Cubana's commitment to quality is evident in every cigar they produce. Their portfolio includes a variety of sizes and shapes, ensuring that every smoker can find the perfect cigar to suit their preferences. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or a newcomer to the world of cigars, the brand's dedication to excellence and its diverse range of offerings make it a brand worth exploring. With a history spanning over a century, La Gloria Cubana continues to deliver exceptional cigars that pay homage to their Cuban heritage while embracing modern innovation.
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La Gloria Cubana Serie R
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12 Cigars
La Gloria Cubana Serie R No 3 Natural
Box of 24 | 50 x 4 1/2Original price was: $177.36.$159.62Current price is: $159.62.
La Gloria Cubana Serie R No 4 Natural
Box of 24 | 52 x 4 7/8Original price was: $215.76.$194.18Current price is: $194.18.
La Gloria Cubana Serie R No 4 Maduro
Box of 24 | 52 x 4 7/8Original price was: $215.76.$194.18Current price is: $194.18.
La Gloria Cubana Serie R No 5 Natural
Box of 24 | 54 x 5 1/2Original price was: $232.56.$209.30Current price is: $209.30.
La Gloria Cubana Serie R No 5 Maduro
Box of 24 | 54 x 5 1/2Original price was: $232.56.$209.30Current price is: $209.30.
La Gloria Cubana Serie R No 6 Natural
Box of 24 | 60 x 5 7/8Original price was: $263.76.$237.38Current price is: $237.38.
La Gloria Cubana Serie R No 6 Maduro
Box of 24 | 60 x 5 7/8Original price was: $263.76.$237.38Current price is: $237.38.
La Gloria Cubana Serie R No 7 Natural
Box of 24 | 58 x 7Original price was: $287.76.$258.98Current price is: $258.98.
La Gloria Cubana Serie R Pyramid Natural
Box of 24 | 60 x 6Original price was: $263.76.$237.38Current price is: $237.38.
La Gloria Cubana Serie R No 7 Maduro
Box of 24 | 58 x 7Original price was: $287.76.$258.98Current price is: $258.98.
La Gloria Cubana Serie R No 8 Natural
Box of 15 | 70 x 7Original price was: $194.85.$175.37Current price is: $175.37.
La Gloria Cubana Serie R No 8 Maduro
Box of 15 | 70 x 7Original price was: $184.35.$165.92Current price is: $165.92.