La Aroma de Cuba Cigars is a legendary brand that has been around since the 1880s and was one of Winston Churchill's favorites. He arrived in Cuba in 1895 during Cuba's rebellion against the Spanish conquistadores. From then on, the brand began to develop as a prominent figure in the cigar industry. In the early 2000s, it experienced a rebranding while still maintaining its old-style Cuban allure and taste. It is now blended by Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia in Estelí, Nicaragua. Pepin is originally a master blender from Cuba who has grown roots in Nicaragua and continues to produce some of the best cigars in the world.
La Aroma de Cuba pays homage to Pepin's Cuban history and cigar experience. Alongside his son Jaime Garcia, the brand continues to develop one-of-a-kind cigars that carry the tradition and expertise Pepin gained in Cuba. If you're looking for a non-Cuban brand that has Cuban roots, this is the brand for you. Shop for a box now at Cigar Country!33 Cigars
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Belicoso
Box of 25 | 54 x 5 1/2$267.18
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Duque
Box of 25 | 56 x 5 1/4Original price was: $250.32.$225.29Current price is: $225.29.
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Churchill
Box of 25 | 50 x 7Original price was: $267.18.$240.46Current price is: $240.46.
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Magnifico
Box of 25 | 52 x 6$260.16
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Robusto
Box of 25 | 50 x 5Original price was: $246.10.$221.49Current price is: $221.49.
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Valentino
Box of 25 | 58 x 5 3/4Original price was: $279.84.$251.86Current price is: $251.86.
La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Churchill
Box of 25 | 49 x 7Original price was: $300.00.$270.00Current price is: $270.00.
La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Encanto
Box of 25 | 60 x 6Original price was: $318.76.$286.88Current price is: $286.88.
La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Marveloso
Box of 25 | 52 x 6Original price was: $296.26.$266.63Current price is: $266.63.
La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Corona Gorda
Box of 25 | 46 x 5 5/8Original price was: $261.26.$235.13Current price is: $235.13.
La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Robusto
Box of 25 | 50 x 5 1/2Original price was: $272.50.$245.25Current price is: $245.25.
La Aroma de Cuba Pasión Box-Pressed Torpedo
Box of 25 | 54 x 6 1/8Original price was: $305.00.$274.50Current price is: $274.50.
La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial No 1
Box of 25 | 46 x 5 5/8Original price was: $246.10.$221.49Current price is: $221.49.
La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial No 2
Box of 25 | 50 x 5Original price was: $250.32.$225.29Current price is: $225.29.
La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial No 3
Box of 25 | 50 x 6Original price was: $260.16.$234.14Current price is: $234.14.
La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial No 4
Box of 25 | 49 x 7Original price was: $267.18.$240.46Current price is: $240.46.
La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial No 5 Belicoso
Box of 25 | 52 x 5 1/2Original price was: $267.18.$240.46Current price is: $240.46.
La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial No 60
Box of 24 | 60 x 6Original price was: $279.84.$251.86Current price is: $251.86.
La Aroma de Cuba El Jefe
Box of 25 | 58 x 7Original price was: $228.16.$205.34Current price is: $205.34.
La Aroma de Cuba Churchill
Box of 20 | 50 x 7Original price was: $220.78.$198.70Current price is: $198.70.
La Aroma de Cuba Immesa
Box of 25 | 60 x 5 1/2Original price was: $202.50.$182.25Current price is: $182.25.
La Aroma de Cuba Monarch
Box of 25 | 52 x 6Original price was: $203.90.$183.51Current price is: $183.51.
La Aroma de Cuba Robusto
Box of 24 | 54 x 5 1/4Original price was: $140.62.$126.56Current price is: $126.56.
La Aroma de Cuba Rothschild
Box of 20 | 50 x 5Original price was: $140.62.$126.56Current price is: $126.56.
La Aroma de Cuba Belicoso
Box of 25 | 52 x 5 1/2Original price was: $208.12.$187.31Current price is: $187.31.
La Aroma de Cuba Corona
Box of 25 | 44 x 5 1/2Original price was: $182.82.$164.54Current price is: $164.54.
La Aroma de Cuba Double Corona
Box of 25 | 54 x 7 1/2Original price was: $225.00.$202.50Current price is: $202.50.
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Reserva Divino
Box of 24 | 52 x 6 1/4Original price was: $284.40.$255.96Current price is: $255.96.
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Reserva Maximo
Box of 24 | 54 x 5 1/2Original price was: $261.60.$235.44Current price is: $235.44.
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Reserva Pomposo
Box of 24 | 60 x 6 1/2Original price was: $306.00.$275.40Current price is: $275.40.
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Reserva Romantico
Box of 24 | 50 x 6 7/8Original price was: $288.00.$259.20Current price is: $259.20.
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Reserva Belicoso
Box of 24 | 52 x 5 1/2Original price was: $276.00.$248.40Current price is: $248.40.
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Reserva Beso
Box of 24 | 48 x 5 5/8Original price was: $250.80.$225.72Current price is: $225.72.