La Aurora Toscano Cigars bring the essence of Italian cigar craftsmanship to the Dominican Republic’s renowned cigar-making tradition. These rustic cigars are designed for aficionados who appreciate bold, earthy flavors and the charm of a traditional Toscano-style smoke. Made with the finest sun-cured tobaccos, La Aurora Toscano cigars deliver a robust smoking experience with a unique and rugged profile. It features a Kentucky wrapper with Italian and North American Kentucky fillers.The rustic construction and distinct shape are a nod to the classic Toscano cigars, offering a slow and satisfying burn that allows you to savor every nuanced flavor note.
The hearty tobacco blend provides rich and complex flavors, including notes of earth, spice, and a touch of sweetness, making them ideal for smokers seeking a more adventurous and unconventional cigar. Whether you're enjoying a casual smoke with friends or taking a quiet moment to yourself, these cigars promise an authentic and memorable experience. Rediscover the rustic charm and robust character of La Aurora Toscano Cigars, a blend that brings together history, tradition, and the expertise of La Aurora. Ideal for those who value rich, full-bodied smokes with a touch of old-world charm.
Unique Blend Attributes: This is a new collaboration between Sigaro Toscano and La Aurora Cigars.
Strength Profile: Full
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "La Aurora Toscano cigars are perfect for pairing with bold beverages like espresso, whiskey, or red wine, enhancing the depth of their flavor profile."
Made in: Lucca, Italy
Master Blender: Guillermo Leon
Owners: Leon Family
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