601 La Bomba cigars are full-bodied with a Maduro Nicaraguan wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder, and Nicaraguan filler tobacco. These spice bombs are no joke - tread lightly! They are very strong and literally bomb you with nicotine and strength. They are hand-rolled at La Zona Cigar Factory in Nicaragua and are made to resemble a bomb with a pigtail cap that looks like a fuse. Their slogan is "Light that Fuse." Every time you light these cigars you're in for a full-flavored journey. Buy a box today!
They come in six sizes: Sake Bomb (4½×42), Atom (5½×46), Napalm (5×52), Nuclear (6×50), Atomic (6×60), and F-Bomb (7×70). They feature bright yellow rings with a bomb design logo and are packaged in classy wooden boxes. These cigars are not recommended for new or novice smokers - definitely only for experienced smokers who can handle very full-strength cigars. They are the ultimate challenge. Stock up your humidor with these bombs and keep them ready for special occasions. Shop now for 601 La Bomba cigars!
Unique Blend Attributes: This blend is full strength and recommended only for experienced smokers.
Strength Profile: Full
Master Blender Tasting Notes: "An incredibly strong cigar with notes of chili pepper, black pepper, dark roast coffee, and leather."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Espinosa's 601 La Bomba cigars multiple 90+ point ratings.
Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blenders: Erik Espinosa
Owner: Espinosa Cigars
You should also try 601 La Bomba Warhead. To see all blends by this brand, please visit Espinosa Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other full-bodied blends or return to the homepage.