A Padron Cigar Sampler is an assortment of blends and cigars that stand out for the quality and luxury offered. The company cultivates outstanding and flavorful tobacco from Nicaragua. So, if you're looking to take a sneak peek into this amazing brand, the Padron Sampler it's just perfect for you. These collections allow you to try some of the best Padron cigars, with assorted sizes and flavors without the need to commit to just one. Try the spectacular Padron cigars samplers today!
As the brand's slogan states, "When Padrón is on the label, quality is a matter of family honor." Jose Orlando Padron's family planted tobacco for generations. However, in the 1950s he left his position as a tobacco farmer and started working at a copper mine. Shortly after the mine closed, he joined the army. Despite becoming a lieutenant, he left the army, refused to take a government position, and flew to Spain. After a few months in Madrid, Padron hopped on the Steamship Covadonga and landed in the USA. He started out working in New York, then flew to Miami. After saving up enough money, he started the brand with one hand roller, and that's how it all began. Buy Padron cigars sampler, for sale here!
Unique Line Attributes: Padron cigars sampler is the perfect way to taste your way through the brand's lineup, mild to full body, to figure out which blends suit you best. Perfect for trying out new cigars without having to commit to a full-box purchase.
Strength Profile: Assorted
Master Blender Tasting Notes: All cigars in a Padron sampler will vary in shape, strength profile, and size.
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado has rated Padron cigars with multiple 90+ point ratings, with the samplers you can try them all.
Made in: Nicaragua
Master Blender: Jorge Padron
Owners: Piloto Cigars Inc.
Lastly, if you're interested in a medium to full body blend, check out Patron Series. You can also explore all blends by visiting Padron Cigars. If you would like to browse other assortments, you may go to Premium Cigar Samplers. Lastly, you may return to the homepage.
11 Cigars
Padron 1926 Serie Natural Sampler
Box of 4 | Assorted$91.40
Padron Family Reserve Natural Sampler
Box of 5 | Assorted$153.55
Padron 1964 Serie Aniversario Sampler Natural
Box of 5 | Assorted$113.05
Padron Natural 8 Cigar Sampler
Box of 8 | Assorted$144.30
Padron Collection Natural Sampler
Box of 5 | Assorted$97.75
Padron Cigar of the Year Sampler
Box of 4 | Assorted$108.55
Padron 1926 Serie Maduro Sampler
Box of 4 | Assorted$91.40
Padron Family Reserve Maduro Sampler
Box of 5 | Assorted$153.55
Padron 1964 Anniversary Series Sampler Maduro
Box of 5 | Assorted$113.05
Padron Maduro 8 Cigar Sampler
Box of 8 | Assorted$144.30
Padron Collection Maduro Sampler
Box of 5 | Assorted$97.75