Oscar Valladares 10th Anniversary cigars commemorate a decade of excellence and innovation in the world of premium cigars. Crafted to celebrate this significant milestone, these cigars showcase the remarkable skill and artistry of the Oscar Valladares brand. The 10th Anniversary line features a dual Honduran/Mexican wrapper, a Honduran binder, and Nicaraguan fillers. This unique combination creates a complex and well-balanced flavor profile that captivates the senses. With notes of rich cocoa, roasted coffee, subtle spices, and a hint of sweetness, each puff delivers a luxurious and indulgent smoking experience.
The construction of Oscar Valladares 10th Anniversary cigars is impeccable, ensuring a smooth draw and a consistent burn throughout the smoking session. The wrapper leaf is expertly applied, showcasing the brand's attention to detail and commitment to quality. As a limited edition release, these cigars are a true testament to Oscar Valladares' dedication to pushing the boundaries of cigar-making. Whether you are a long-time fan of Oscar Valladares or new to the brand, the 10th Anniversary cigars are a must-try for those seeking a premium cigar that combines craftsmanship, flavor, and celebration. Indulge in the richness and complexity of Oscar Valladares 10th Anniversary cigars, and join in the celebration of a decade of passion and excellence in the world of cigars.
Unique Blend Attributes: The 10th Anniversary line embodies the brand's spirit of innovation, delivering a memorable and exceptional smoking experience for cigar enthusiasts.
Strength Profile: Medium
Master Blending Tasting Notes: "They boast a harmonious blend of flavors, including rich cocoa, roasted coffee, subtle spices, and a touch of sweetness, creating an indulgent and satisfying smoking experience."
Accolades: Cigar Aficionado awarded Oscar Valladares 10th Anniversary multiple 85+ point ratings.
Made in: Honduras
Master Blenders: Oscar Valladares, Hector Valladares, and Bayron Duarte
Owners: Oscar Valladares Tobacco & Co.
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3 Cigars
Oscar Valladares 10th Anniversary Toro
Box of 10 | 52 x 6Original price was: $192.00.$172.80Current price is: $172.80.
Oscar Valladares 10th Anniversary Sixty
Box of 10 | 60 x 6Original price was: $214.00.$192.60Current price is: $192.60.
Oscar Valladares 10th Anniversary Salomon
Box of 10 | 52/60 x 7Original price was: $246.00.$221.40Current price is: $221.40.