Indulge in the refined elegance of the 2012 by Oscar Valladares Sumatra cigars, a remarkable blend tailored to the discerning tastes of true cigar aficionados. Handcrafted with precision in Honduras, this exceptional cigar boasts a captivating Ecuadorian Sumatra seed wrapper that enrobes a Honduran binder and a masterful blend of Honduran and Nicaraguan tobacco. It offers a mild-bodied profile that entices the palate with a symphony of flavors. Expect notes of leather, cedar, and subtle hints of sweet spice, creating a complex and balanced smoking experience that aficionados will truly appreciate.
With impeccable construction and expert craftsmanship, each draw is a testament to the blend's exceptional quality. The Sumatra wrapper adds a layer of richness and complexity, making this cigar a standout choice for those seeking sophistication and depth in their smoking ritual. As a cigar aficionado, the 2012 by Oscar Valladares Sumatra is a must-try addition to your collection. Elevate your cigar experience and embark on a journey of premium indulgence, tailored for those who seek nothing but the best. Don't miss the opportunity to savor the refined flavors of this expertly crafted blend. Treat yourself to a moment of pure pleasure and sophistication by purchasing this exceptional cigar from Cigar Country, the premier destination for premium cigars and top-notch selections. Elevate your smoking ritual and savor the richness of the 2012 by Oscar Valladares Sumatra today.
Unique Blend Attributes: These cigars celebrate the brand's 5th anniversary and pay homage to the year that brought plenty of changes to the industry.
Strength Profile: Mild
Master Blending Tasting Notes: "Subtle hints of sweet spice gracefully dance on the palate, adding a delightful complexity to the smoking experience. "
Made in: Honduras
Master Blenders: Oscar Valladares, Hector Valladares, and Bayron Duarte
Owners: Oscar Valladares Tobacco & Co.
You should try 10th Anniversary. You can also explore all blends by visiting Oscar Valladares Cigars. Lastly, you may explore other mild-bodied blends or return to the homepage.
3 Cigars
2012 by Oscar Valladares Sumatra Short Robusto
Box of 20 | 50 x 4Original price was: $136.00.$122.40Current price is: $122.40.
2012 by Oscar Valladares Sumatra Toro
Box of 20 | 52 x 6Original price was: $186.00.$167.40Current price is: $167.40.
2012 by Oscar Valladares Sumatra Sixty
Box of 20 | 60 x 6Original price was: $204.00.$183.60Current price is: $183.60.